@MrGoat I saw Woke Mind Virus open for White Zombie back in 1993. At least, I think I did. It was kind of a hazy time.
Adults who neglect COVID-19 health recommendations may also neglect basic road safety. Traffic risks were 50%-70% greater for adults who had not been vaccinated compared to those who had. Misunderstandings of everyday risk can cause people to put themselves and others in grave danger
@SeanRFrazier Elmo Fust practicing his free speech.
"As long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it." - The Clash
Melon Tusk was booed at a Dave Chappelle show and it's pretty brutal...but also delicious.
And the account that originally posted the video on Twitter somehow mysteriously disappeared...
I'm pretty much over Chapelle, too.
@Remicat I've been out of bed. Don't. It's a trap.
Well, if we have to be up, let's aim higher than merely rising and shining.
Let's fucking dazzle.
@Jeber I once heard that kids today listening to 80's music is like me, as a kid, listening to the music of World War II, and that concept has haunted me.
Buddy Rich and Desi Arnaz Jr. Drum Battle 1970.....
Yes, it took me a while to get semi-cultured.
Inspired by this: https://youtu.be/U9BStYV_wzY
My 40's: Do we still get hangovers?
My 50's: Not at all.
My 40's: Really? Cool! How'd we manage that?
My 50's: Well, if we drink too much my heart starts going like a Buddy Rich improv set, which also puts us at risk for a stroke.
My 40's: Fuck.
My 50's: What, you expected it to get better? Same thing goes for caffeine, by the way.
My 50's: Yeah.
My 40's: Also, who's Buddy Rich?
My 50's We've seen him. He drum battled Animal on the Muppet Show.
My 40's: Ooohhhh...
Tweaker engineering Show more
I see a lot of people on the bird app vowing to stay and fight. I get where they're coming from. We built a lot of communities over there. But the internet's primary virtue is that it can route around damage and remain intact. Route around Elmo and his peons. We gain nothing by wrestling a pig in its own mud puddle.
@LnzyHou Yes. What?
So this is what my girlfriend got me for my birthday: A pound of dice.
She knows me so well. I love her.
1. Elton John leaves Twitter citing "misinformation"
2. Elon Musk asks him what misinformation he means
3. Right-wing freak tells Musk Elton John's account was probably hijacked by his "marxist social media person"
4. Musk appears to agree with this
One might call this ironic - Jon Schwarz #RIPtwitter
Sci-fi and fantasy nerd with a potentially fatal addiction to politics. Library staffer, Whovian, Critter, and grumpy old man.