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I suppose every so often I should mention the names of the primary players in my life. Less confusion for those who actually read the crap I post.
Noah - my 40 yr old housemate
Paris - his 8 year old son
2 dogs and I round out the household.

"Housemate" is too long a word to have to type very often and I do mention Noah occasionally.
"Paris" has a name that can confuse anyone who doesn't know I'm talking about the kid.

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I can be a lazy sod. Also, I tend to be here, then not be here, and I can easily miss welcoming new members.
So let me take this opportunity to welcome all our new CoSonauts to the only true "social" network on the Internet.

The guide:

The media kit:

Have a great day and a good time.

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Next year will be the 20th anniversary of my first foray into the world of Internet communities. I was a moderator and admin for both Scot Finnie's Newsletter Forum and Chris Pirillo's Lockergnome forum. Those 2 forums introduced me to people with whom I'm still friends online. They also taught me how to deal with the problem children of the Internet. It's been a crazy ride.

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Because I fear some people may not notice, the vast majority of my replies to toots and many of my own are meant to be read as satirical, humorous, or nonsensical. I will try to note when I say something serious. (Exceptions are politics, climate change, and animal care. I rarely kid about those topics. I used to kid about politics but then the Republicans made satire redundant.)

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Carlin also reminded me what is important to those of us who have never lost our inner anarchist when we write or speak out. It's not to appease our audience, it's not to tell them what they want to hear or should think. It's to tell others what I think, to speak the truth as I see it honestly, without pulling punches or allowing others to influence me. Individuals and nature are wonderful to behold. The planet will survive us. But we're screwed.

Will SCOTUS decide:

Now that I’m 70 I’ve begun to spend the time I used to exercise my body to exercise my mind. Up until the day my body quits functioning I want my brain to be flying at top speed.

If the CIA was willing to overthrow democratically elected leaders in South America and other countries, can we be sure they can be counted on to never do the same here?

What we could use is a loud voice from someone who lived in East Berlin to let people know what it’s really like to live in a police state. And a loud voice from someone who grew up in Iran to educate Americans on what it’s really like to live in a theocracy. Authentic voices, real experiences.

I forgot about Trump abandoning the INF treaty, allowing Russia to increase the number of its intercontinental missles. His administration really was good for Putin.

SCOTUS needs to quit with the abstract hypotheticals and ask if a president has immunity while in office, could Biden order Trump’s immediate arrest and stage a coup to keep himself in office. Keep it real.

When I first joined Lockergnome in 2003, I adopted the persona of the village idiot. It’s seems appropriate to resurrect the title.

We have a lot of time to discuss things that interest us because we aren’t spending all our time blocking bots and trolls like folks do elsewhere.

Wasn’t it just April 24th like a year ago or so?

We've become addicted to speed. Everything fast, fast, no time to waste. No wonder there's so much stress and road rage. Impatience. We can't slow down and enjoy life at a more sedate pace. When I take road trips I like to take backroads. They force me to slow down and enjoy the trip.

The reason Trump wanted to make sure the National Enquirer didn’t publish the Daniels story was because he knew the type of people who read and believed the bullshit regularly published in the Enquirer were the same people who he wanted to vote for him. He didn’t want to risk the chance that even a few would believe the story and not vote for him.

I asked Alexa an hour ago who the worst person in the Republican Party is and she hasn't shut up yet.

Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself. Basically, it's made up of two separate words — "mank" and "ind." What do these words mean? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.

Jack Handey

“I am a clown...and I collect moments.”
― Heinrich Böll, The Clown

The end goal of capitalism is a society in which everything is provided for a profit and that profit winds up in the hands of one person. The leaders enact laws advantageous to themselves because even the government is a for-profit venture. Everything’s for sale; your labor, your life, your freedoms.

Yes, I do own a Galaxy Tab S9 FE and a Pixel 7 Pro. I used to enjoy working with gnu/Linux, Windows, Mac, and Google in the Nexus Era. These days my everyday devices are from Apple, but I still enjoy the more customizable Android environment.

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Jack, Village Idiot

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.