Carlin also reminded me what is important to those of us who have never lost our inner anarchist when we write or speak out. It's not to appease our audience, it's not to tell them what they want to hear or should think. It's to tell others what I think, to speak the truth as I see it honestly, without pulling punches or allowing others to influence me. Individuals and nature are wonderful to behold. The planet will survive us. But we're screwed.
@Jeber you may not know that his Daughter @KellyCarlin recently created an account here
@Ideajuice @KellyCarlin
I did not. Thank you for letting me know. Like many people, George was a hero to me.
@Jeber I like the expression "never lost our inner anarchist" and I totally agree with the rest. The planet will survive us. But we're screwed.
I am pleased to say that I am now at the age where I say what I think and don’t give a flying fuck if morons, imbeciles, Unionists or Republicans (now that I’m big in the States) don’t like it