
The lack of self-awareness here is truly fucking breathtaking.

@Stonekettle I wish I hadn’t just burst out in laughter.

@Stonekettle this kid will never know what it means to be accountable.

@Stonekettle He's delusional because of the adoration from his fans...

@Stonekettle , are he and his mama going to lead by example? Didn't think so. He's a goddamned Tool and in more than one way. (Sorry. That's the most polite thing I could come up with to say about that and him.)

@Stonekettle The way things are going at Elon's place, I wouldn't be surprised if Rittenhouse is running content moderation.

@Stonekettle No. He is quite aware. He is trolling everyone, triggering people like you, to create buzz for himself

instead we should just ignore people like him, or paraphrase and repackage it in a truth sandwich before sending it back out

@Stonekettle The GQP adoration has fed the ego of the little punk that he is.

@Stonekettle For Kyle: Idiot wind, Blowing every time you move your mouth. Blowing down the back roads headin' south. Idiot wind
Blowing every time you move your teeth. You're an idiot, babe
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe

@Stonekettle wow, kid's got some nerve. Or is completely oblivious. Probably both.

@LaMarghe @Stonekettle I wish for him complete understanding of what he has done.

@Stonekettle I'd rather not hear from him. In my mind he's following the same path as O. J. Simpson. He got a get-out-of-jail-free card.


He won't be so lucky next time like when OJ decided to rob a casino.

@Stonekettle Something something rabid canine something tiny mange ridden balls.

@Stonekettle We tried that, then the boy let the pedo judge diddle him in exchange for unjust justice.

@Stonekettle The murdering creep needs to look in a mirror.

@Stonekettle My take would be, "After you kid".

My wife an I have this debate constantly...over whether a given MAGAt is really that disingenuously stupid. Or whether they know that what they're spouting is bullshit, but they put it out there anyway to get a reaction.

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