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The End of Roe Will Bring About a Sea Change in the Encryption Debate

US law enforcement officers and agencies have shown us with their own actions that they don’t deserve any deference whatsoever in discussions about encryption policy. They aren’t entitled to any presumption of legitimacy. They are just another one of the threats that encryption protects people from. With the demise of Roe, we can no longer ignore that the same is also true of American laws.

I am really disappointed to see the Firehose turning into the Outrage Machine.

So many of us are here to escape that kind of thing.



Someone somewhere has love for you.

You just might not have found them yet.

What (if any) sort of desperation moves do you expect Putin engages in these next four days?

Or will taking Azovstal and Mariupol satisfy him for the short term?

I really enjoyed Moon Knight. Not a comics reader so, any inauthenticity didn't bother me.

I have to say though, large parts of it reminded me of playing Assassin's Creed: Origins.

So I'm off to do that right now.

Did you delete the post I was replying to?

In any case, the only one of these services I've ever felt comfortable using was Wisdom Panel. For my dogs.

Your data was already sold. This is one of several stories involving DNA data from these services going places the customers didn't want.

Dear Friends & New Friends & Possible New Friends,

Can you please take the roughly 5 seconds* extra to add to your posts that relate to *all* things political so that those of us who like to control our intake of negative news can continue to enjoy our time here?

Asking for a friend, and probably other friends here too. 💚

Thanks for your help.

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* Yes. I timed myself typing it. Slowly.

If you hear people talking about a video involving a member of Congress, please save the eye bleach and don't watch. It just auto-played for me, and I didn't need that today.


I understand the raw emotions many of you are all feeling right now. This is heavy stuff.

Please, take care of your mental health and limit your doom scrolling / posting / boosting. All that grinding leads to anxiety and/or depression. Trust me.

I also request that your please tag all political posts , *especially* those related to the leaked SCOTUS draft. This will allow others to filter these posts if they need to do this for *their* mental health.


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