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Thanks to everyone who is following @kel's suggestion of using on those posts.

Those who are not: please see my post from Tuesday on why this is important.

Backblaze just published their quarterly hard drive failure stats, with a great quote for today:

:yoda: The greatest teacher, failure is.

Here is the version of the Original Trilogy you *should* be watching, instead of the ridiculous changes that Lucas put in over the years:

Here is a great set of Star Wars music activities using Chrome Music Lab. I have used these with me students the past few years, and they are quite fun.

RARE SHAMELESS PLUG: answers to no VC investors, no shareholders, no advertisers.

We are crowd-powered. We answer to our users. That means we're powered, funded, by the folks here who upgrade to a PRO account.

If you like your Counter Social Network, you CAN keep it.

Please consider going PRO.

😍 🙏

How do deal with 521 errors, a primer:

1. When browsing CoSo, you notice a little "521" bubble in the bottom left corner.
3. Wait about a minute. You will see a few more 521's.
4. Then you will see a few 502's.
5. A few moments later, CoSo is usually back online.

Please consider that there are survivors of assault here, and the nonstop avalanche of posts about this can reopen their trauma. That can make this space less safe for them if they can't effectively filter.

Finally, ask yourself if what you are posting is your own thought, or a copy-paste of countless others. Yes, there is need for organizing, but simple repetition is not the way to do it. Remember that engagement on posts doesn't matter here.

Thanks for helping us all get through this.



I understand the raw emotions many of you are all feeling right now. This is heavy stuff.

Please, take care of your mental health and limit your doom scrolling / posting / boosting. All that grinding leads to anxiety and/or depression. Trust me.

I also request that your please tag all political posts , *especially* those related to the leaked SCOTUS draft. This will allow others to filter these posts if they need to do this for *their* mental health.



Don't do that here. Don't bully people like that. You can't gauge and judge people's levels of involvement or personal injury by how loud they are on the internet.

I understand people's need to vent, will give you that grace, but mocking and bullying other users is not welcome here.

PSA - don't assume that because someone filters their experience for self-preservation that it's about you. Maybe it's about them. We do not know what others are experiencing or have experienced. We can treat each other with kindness and respect without eating each other down.

Anyone who uses network-wide ad filtering, adding this RegEx wildcard to your whitelist should cover all CoSo domains:


^ Those who have been here from the early days may remember a bit of a dust-up soon after Pro accounts were first introduced. There were a couple members who were shaming other people for not being Pro members, and some folks on the receiving end left as a result. We are NOT doing that again, and I will personally browbeat anyone who engages in guilt trip tactics.

Two thoughts on Pro accounts:

1. For people wondering why it's worth it: I support this site because I know it's full of real people and my personal data isn't being sold to the highest bidder. I rarely use any of the other Pro features, but still feel like I'm more than getting my money's worth.

2. If you can afford to financially support CoSo, please do. If you cannot, please know you are NOT a second-class citizen here and you are equally welcome and valued. This place is for everyone.

PSA - We are going to be making some performance tweaks under the hood today, so expect some weirdness, 522s , sporadic downtime.

It's all good.


Okay people - The PRO account subscription portal is now operational once again. Anyone who wants to support COSO and upgrade to a PRO account can do so anytime, on desktop browsers the link is in the right-side navigation. Thanks all.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.