I may be biased on this being a career public school teacher who grew up in a family of public school teachers, but I firmly believe it's true:

A high-quality free public education, containing a full, factual, and uncensored history curriculum and delivered equitably for all would solve a great many of modern society's problems.

For all the other who will awkwardly encounter their students over summer break.

You guys. While teaching The Heat of the Moment to a group of FIRST GRADERS today, we got into a serious text analysis of the second verse lyrics. They were really insightful. I shit you not, it happened. Oh, and they sang their little hearts out. Made my damn week. I'm so proud.


Governors pushing pay increases, other perks, in effort to ease teacher shortages

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — As schools across the country struggle to find teachers to hire, more governors are pushing for pay increases, bonuses and other perks for the beleaguered profession — with some vowing to beat out other states competing for educators.


Well it's officially the most stressful time of the year for us who are both and . Here's my December so far:

1. Conducted my own students' choir concert last week.
2. Pianist for 5 choirs at a concert this week.
3. Rehearsal, dress rehearsal, and concert for the choir I sing with, also this week.
4. Performing additional concert with choir next week.
5. Performance with my students the week after that.

Who do our work with?

I received an anti- mailer today, with an attached postcard that will opt members out of union membership.

If I could find the people responsible for sending this, I would light them up.

Here is a great set of Star Wars music activities using Chrome Music Lab. I have used these with me students the past few years, and they are quite fun.


Everyone, PLEASE listen to this. You've probably heard about some of these bills/laws, but the full story is far worse than you might think. Stick with it all the way to the discussion of penalties for teachers.

Teachers Could Face Penalties For Lessons On Race, Gender, Politics : Fresh Air : NPR

This is supposed to be satire, but disturbingly accurate as any will attest.

How We Will Separate You from Any Lingering Hope and Other Important Topics of Today’s Faculty Meeting - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency

It's hard for me to imagine school board races becoming any more politicized and hyperbolic than they have been in the past, but here we go.

AP News: GOP push to politicize school board races gets election test

Mrs. V informs me that the newest TikTok challenge starting tomorrow is Slap a Teacher.

Our reaction: Go ahead. (Preferably in a location that security cameras have a clear view.) We're not usually litigious people, but we would love to retire a bit early.

First day of students is tomorrow. Mandatory masks, but full classes with minimal (if any) distancing, and they are using cafeterias for lunch as normal.

How long until in-person instruction has to be suspended in my district due to outbreaks?

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