Natural process coffee, represent!!!
Going to try the anaerobic process Bolivia tomorrow.

A friend at work introduced me to Da Hong Pao tea, and I'm hooked. She gets hers in China when she goes home to visit family.

It looks like this brand is not available in the US. Does anyone have a particular recommendation for this tea?

I saw this one recommended:

OK, - I have seen the error of my ways.

I used to think those temperature controlled gooseneck kettles were only necessary if you were doing pour over coffee. Being a long time French press devotee, I thought it wouldn't benefit me much.

Oh, was I wrong. Having the water at exactly 205°F gives a very noticeable upgrade in flavor, with lovely crema to boot! I've been missing out!

My kettle:
KitchenBoss Electric Gooseneck...

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I had the most outstanding cold brew ever this morning with this lovely Yirgacheffe I had been enjoying in my French press earlier in the week. The fruit flavors were even more vibrant with the cold brew.

Don't listen to anyone who tells you to only use dark roasts for cold brew. Thus is fantastic and I can't wait to enjoy it over the next few days.

Hi there! I just discovered your account, and it's great to have a pro in the .

I have been a French press devoteé for many years, but I'm a bit frugal. I tend to brew at a ratio closer to 1:20 rather than the typically recommended 1:16. I'm typically drinking lighter roasts (I'm an especially huge fan of Ethiopians) and to get a little bit more out of the smaller quantity I brew for a full 5 minutes after the initial 30 second bloom.


Anyone else get so excited the night before they are set to start a new coffee roast that they can't sleep from the anticipation?

I'm one of those people who gets extra excited to go to bed when I know there's truly outstanding coffee waiting for me in the morning. This one is on my top 5 all time. Really more of a medium roast despite what it says on the bag, but smells and tastes heavenly.

I just ordered these from my favorite coffee supplier. I have had aged coffee before, but never this one. The second is one of my all time favorites.

I buy single-origin coffee, usually light or medium roasts. Measured by weight and hand ground, brewed in a French press.

I always drink the stuff I make black for all the subtle flavors to shine through. I only add a drop of cream to cold brew.

This is my favorite roaster. The single-origin stuff is under Roasted > Special Mug. They have excellent teas also.

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My favorite coffee roaster is finally back up and running after moving to a new location. These just arrived today. Going to start with the Honduras Paraniema tomorrow.

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