
A lot of people are being played.

Whether it's Occupy Democrats or overly prolific tweeters with big follower numbers, you may be hooked on people who just want to monetize you.

Who exactly are these people you are reading? What are their credentials? Their motives? Are they posting original material and analysis or simply copying others' work? Are they just pumping outrage?

Be especially careful who you give money to. Grifting operations span the political spectrum.

Oh, and if you're on Tribel, that's part of the OD grifting operation.

@voltronic These grifters need you to be upset, so they're always pushing doom and gloom and outrage.

Witness the recent nonsense in reaction to the appointment of a Special Counsel.

Are you equating a person with a different opinion than you concerning the special counsel as grifters?

@KGinKS I'm saying that grifters will always push whatever causes the most outrage. They're not even trying to be accurate.

@voltronic yep, have realised this also about a group of activists I used to support in Australia too.

@voltronic I stopped following a bunch of big accounts that all they did was ask questions to get interactions. Most with no real substance.

@voltronic For me, Matt Taibbi, Chris Hedges, Sarah Kendzior.

You're right.

I used to follow Kendzior until she pulled a crazy Ivan and I realized what her game was.

@voltronic Exactly. The heavy resister accounts on Twaddle want you to stay so that they can remain relevant.

@voltronic - At twit, you're *always* the product being monitized, either by the platform or by the large/blue checks.

@voltronic as a member of Occupy, the movement, I spit nails anytime I see OD. And I was terribly sad to see what became? Even though a lot of people called it early on.

@LaurelGreen @voltronic I was a part of the movement in the early days, seeing someone take it up and use it as a grift hurt. It hurt the movement just as much as it hurt the ties between all of us.

@voltronic All the TOS and security issues of Tribel aside, it was difficult enough avoiding their Tweet spam as it was — I can’t imagine going to a place that they actually owned…

@voltronic I tried it out 6mos ago, and it was just a big circle jerk of lefty Dems with no other interests. 🤮

I think that's exactly what a lot of the so-called people want. I wonder if they realize it's exactly like Truth Social for the other side.

@voltronic Tribel TOS is quite lovely.😂 To heck with OD. solid Dem all, my life but I can't stand OD!

Back in 2017 when I was following anyone who called themselves aa , I quickly realized there was a class of them who were self-promoters w/unreliable & click-bait-y reporting/posts who were all about amping up anger and engagement. So, basically, in reverse. I un-followed as soon as I began identifying those ones & my life was better (and more informed).

This is exactly why I am leery of anyone who has resist, resistance, blue crew, blue wave, etc... in a bio.

Same here. There are a LOT of people who recently joined up here like that. 🤔

@voltronic The parasitic economies of outrage work across partisan affiliations and ideological viewpoints.

@voltronic THIS. And know what money you do give us going to. Be very skeptical of someone who needs money to "keep spreading the message" and nothing more. There's plenty of great people spreading the message who don't need cash. Put your money to work in tangible places like getting out the vote, research with status updates, material support for those in need. If someone wants money to "spread the message" are they building infrastructure or just trying to make a career out of your handouts.

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