
There are a lot of posts on the bird from new or potential new CoSo users saying that we're a left-wing social network.

I think that perception may come from the fact that a lot of new members seem to be of that political leaning, and feature it in their profiles. (See linked post below for my thoughts on this.)

Just to be clear: ALL are welcome here, so long as you are not trolling or supporting the overthrow of democracy. We can't be a place for just one group.

UPDATE: In the last week, some large-follower accounts have spoken out on the other place that they weren't "allowed" to be political here, or something to that extent. I believe the above linked post and others like it are being cited.

That idea is completely false. Reading comprehension matters.

@voltronic 'I wasn't allowed to be political' = 'I tried to be an arsehole and it didn't fly.'

@kaehlys @voltronic
"I wasn't allowed to be political" = "I shouted about politics in all-caps like a bot all day and didn't get much traction."

They probably weren't "allowed" to be utter asshats.

Chances are that they came in here with the goal of getting splatted so that they could claim that CoSo has political bias rather than a standard of civility.

It's a fallacious assumption on their part. I dare say that the people who are here are very politically involved and speak out regularly. It may be that they've lost the distinction between political speech and trolling. That seems apparent by the quality of interaction of the other site. If you're going to be political, be politely political. I'm sure I disagree with a lot of the members here to one extent or another. I don't mind that, but no one is being a-holes about it.

@voltronic The question is, do you confront the disinformation with facts or left them continue to spread misinformation to everyone they can reach through search.

@Zaptrapped @voltronic You do whatever you're motivated to do. I think the reality is many people commenting on feel that anything less than praise and acceptance equals prohibition. They decry the lack of free speech when the free exchange of ideas is exactly what's causing them discomfort.

@voltronic Yeah, someone over there said right-wingers couldn’t say anything here. I invited the poster to join and see.

@voltronic Unfortunately, in the last decade, many have confused "being political" with "being an asshat". You can be political here, but you can't be an asshat. Seems pretty obvious to me.

@voltronic we need to find our way back to humanity. Greeting each other as individuals. Stop being angry and hatful just because it’s become the “norm”. People show you who they are, in their actions, and who they are are as people, the way they treat others.

@voltronic that's the message I've been sending, but yeah, must people think it's an echo chamber here even though I've tried explaining why it isn't


I honestly wish I could find a few moderate conservatives here.
I'm a Liberal.. but, I often agree with some of them, for example Tom Nichols, Rick Wilson.. etc.


also, another example.. I shoot guns, I am a Precision Rifle Shooter/ Long Distance Shooter, and it would be nice to find others with the same interest.
I have met a few here, but it's just a handful.

You and @corlin have things to discuss.

That's something I would love to learn someday given the time and money.

For now, I'm a fairly decent trap shooter.

@voltronic @corlin

I just started last year, but it seems I'm kinda of a natural at it, and it is so relaxing for me.
It takes a lot of control, and a bit of math, so it became something I enjoy a lot.

It took me about 5 or 6 times at the range, before I went for my 500 yard shot, and yes.. I hit my target, with a 17 mph cross wind. 😎

My goal is 2,000 yards.

I shoot a Ruger No 1, 22-250 Single Shot Lever Action.

I also just got a Ruger No 1 6.5x55 Swede

@Jene_Sais_Quoi @voltronic

Calling men out on their bullshit is just a beginning. Becoming a mentor, and the "cool" uncle to young men is better.

When I go to the range, and all these young guys are doing the "gun porn" thing. I simply and quietly, lay down prone, and hit a beer bottle at 1,500 meters. That gets their attention, and shuts them up.

Then I talk about the responsibility of being a grown man.

@corlin @voltronic

1,500 meters.. DAMNNNNN!!!!

Ohhh yes, I hear a lot of shit talk at the shops and range, and where I shoot in Arizona is DEEP Red Trump country.

I always end up winning them over, with respect. ♥️

@AkomoCombine @corlin @voltronic

Good point! 🤔

I'm mystified by those things, I'd most likely hurt myself. 😂

@Jene_Sais_Quoi @voltronic

I have been a competitive long rifle shooter since I was a teen.
Never in the military, but was pretty damn good, won a few regional meets.

I only own three weapons.

A DP-12. (shotgun)
Barrett MRAD in .338 Lapua. (long rifle)
And a Walther PPK/S. (light duty handgun)

I used to own a lot more. Years ago, I decided to get the very best I could, become expert with those. And sell the rest.

@corlin @voltronic


That is fantastic.

What is your longest shot?

I shot a .338 last year, damn, that had some kick. 😂
I am only 5'1" and at the time, about 125lbs.
I'm ashamed to say, my spotter was my training wheels, shooting that. 😂

I was going to get a Creedmoor, but... I went with the 6.5x55 Sweede, instead.

When I'm back in the USA, I might get the Creedmoor, due to ammo availability.

@Jene_Sais_Quoi @voltronic

I keep my glass zeroed for 1,500 meters.
That's my goto range.
Have done a bit longer, but I am getting old, so not as stable as I used to be.

@corlin @voltronic

The range I spend the most time at only goes to 1,000 yards.

But, that will be my workout this coming summer, for sure.

Plus, when I get back from Florida, I'm gonna start taking yoga, so I have more control for my shots.

@Jene_Sais_Quoi @voltronic
Yoga helps with the "box" breathing. But it is more about the spotter, the glass, and the practice.

@corlin @voltronic

Ohh yes... $100's of dollars a day at the range of practice. 😂

What scope do you use, Leupold?

My spotter is also my instructor, and he is fantastic.

@Jene_Sais_Quoi @corlin
The long-range rifle I had my eye on (again, no time or money for it) is a Tikka Superlite T3x in matte stainless, 6.5 creed

@voltronic @corlin

It is a VERY expensive hobby, and 6.5 Creed ammo is about $2.50-$3.50 a round.
That is about the same as my 22-250, but my partner is teaching me to load my own, so that makes it more cost effective.

@voltronic @corlin

Ohhh, I just looked up the Tikka Superlite T3x , and that is beautiful.

I used to be a moderate conservative.... pre GW Bush.
Have never, ever belonged to either party. I was an Independent before being so was cool. 😆

@Maude @voltronic

and, I have always been a moderate Democrat.

Well, you are fucking cool, now... ♥️

Most of the politicians I grew up with in Texas were moderates. They went crazy with GW Bush.
Lyndon Johnson was a moderate, but fought for civil rights.
Ann Richards was a moderate and fought for reform prison system, established substance abuse programs, and women's rights. Her daughter Cecile Richards continues that fight.
Ann Richards was my hero. I grew up in politics, in my youth, with her as my governor.
Just listen to her.


@Maude @voltronic

I miss Ann Richards so much.... we need another Ann Richards. ♥️

@voltronic In the most non-trollish way, I have to ask whether there's such a thing as Republicans who oppose the Republican overthrow of democracy.

@voltronic Also, think there is a misperception that polite = politically left and abrasive = politically right currently.

As a group we try to be polite.

I found if you keep politics out of conversations it's much more welcoming, enlightening, peaceful, fun, refreshing...I can go on and on☺️

@voltronic a lot of us are centrist, but the Overton window is so far skewed that centrists look like leftists. leftists look far left, but they mostly really aren't (actual far left starts looking just like far right)

@voltronic Differing opinions are fine—we can learn from each other. Just remember the 1st Commandment:
Don’t be an a$$hole.


A lot of the "left-wing social network" description is also the default hot button for anything that isn't wearing a RED HAT & going to a rally.

OR is it because CoSo has a warm & welcoming community that can speak their own minds, disagree, & still have civil discourse?

Well then there's one large "resister" account who claims us "old timers" shut down any political discussion at all.


Political "discussion" dramatically radicalized with 45. I didn't think of myself as a Political until then. I'd vote, volunteer, go to the local Dems- but not type posts in ALL CAPS with BLUE gifs & memes. It became an online war zone.

It took awhile to decompress here... those that are panicking re format, friending, "everything's wrong here" are looking to rebuild their foxhole to be ready for the next attack.1/2


I do respect the #/filters option. I didn't want to harsh the mellow with my Texas politics- but now with the # I feel at home . 2/2

@voltronic Well, you kinda nailed it there when you wrote " long as you are not...supporting the overthrow of democracy..." If polling is to be believed, that scratches upwards of 50% of "conservatives" and Republicans.

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