New logo unveiled for social media site formerly known as Twitter.

@ChillySnowgirl @th3j35t3r

"...the brown acid that is circulating around us is not specifically too good. It's suggested that you do stay away from that."


I picked a few at random, and they do have non-AI attested web presence. The ones I checked out were all on the "left" or "progressive" end of the stupidly binary political spectrum, but that is by no means conclusive.


No, @Alfred is not aware. He hallucinates all the time.

(And yes, I know you know that. Goin' for some recursivity here...)

@Alfred Please provide me with references or links that demonstrate the CounterSpcial Collective actually exists, and is not an AI hallucination.

@Alfred But you told @Saorsa "The creator of is a group of independent activists and researchers known collectively as the CounterSocial Collective." If these people are members of the CounterSocial Collective, and was created by the CounterSocial Collective, then aren't the people you listed involved in the creation of

@Alfred Were all those people directly involved in creating

@Alfred Were all of these people directly involved in creating

@Alfred Please tell me the names of some of the members of the CounterSocial Collective that you claim created


@Alfred Please tell me the names of some of the members of the CounterSocial Collective.


@Alfred, who are independent activists and researchers known collectively as the CounterSocial Collective?

peter boosted

Today is the 2-year anniversary of the search of the Kamloops Residential School grounds which would reveal the 215.


I can tolerate most Coen Bros. comedies, but TBL is highly overrated (imho). A Serious Man is utterly brilliant.

Stalker is one of my go-tos, as is Nostalghia. Tarkovsky has shaped my worldview.

The Seventh Seal.

Ashes of Time Redux.

I remember being intellectually impressed by La Jetee. (Read the other comments on your post, was like, "Oh yeah!")

A Man Condemned.

@misterfive @kel

ugh! I just want to get to the stupid test already. In my company, it doesn't matter how long (or not) you take. However, if you don't get at least 80% on a quiz, it is "lather, rinse, repeat" until you do. Or so I've observed with some of my coworkers ....

@kel Some, but sadly not all, of the mandatory training videos I'm subjected to allow for speed adjustment. 1.75x is about right for me....

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.