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Still confused? Follow @CoSoTips and don't hesitate to ask your questions. We're a friendly bunch here, and someone is likely to answer if they see your toot in the Community Firehose.

New logo unveiled for social media site formerly known as Twitter.

@Alfred, who are independent activists and researchers known collectively as the CounterSocial Collective?

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Today is the 2-year anniversary of the search of the Kamloops Residential School grounds which would reveal the 215.

This warning was posted late Monday April 24 by an infosec person I follow elsewhere. I'm taking their advice, and if you have an Amazon account, I think you should too.
Go to your Amazon account, sign out of all your devices, everything, everywhere all your Echos (yes I know it's a pain), reset your password, delete 2FA and any tokens and reset them. Now.

That doesn't include Fido / Yubikeys but does include Auth tokens.

Do it now.

Χριστός Ανέστη! Show more

Christian spirituality: Great and Holy Friday Show more

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Christian prayer Show more

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The MAGA cult is ready to fight a civil war because Democrats want to give them healthcare, education, childcare, paid time off, green energy, a healthy environment, modern infrastructure, high-speed internet, safe communities, equality, and a living wage.

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Dear parents, if you have extra coats and accouterments, check with your local school. Someone needs the.

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The function of society is not unfettered personal gain for a few, but the uplifting and fulfillment of the whole. At least, that's how it's supposed to be.

don't deserve your allegiance or your time. Save yourself a blindspot or three, and keep those folks at a distance. Thank me later.

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What do you call an apology written in dots and dashes?

Re-morse code.

For my friends and family in Ontario, please consider signing this petition:

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It's like assembling three jigsaw puzzles of Jackson Pollock paintings at the same time, while all the pieces are in one box, and there are no edge pieces... Did I just drop a piece? I wonder where they make these puzzles at anyway? Do you think they sell a lot? I mean I know Jackson Pollock is famous and all, but how many people need a jigsaw puzzle of his paintings?Europeans once used mummies to make paint with. That reminds me of a movie I once saw. I just know I dropped a piece


Another new post from OK Doomer:

We're Living through The End of Civilization, and We Should Be Acting Like It

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Heading to bed.

US friends: you're doing the best you can in tough times, while many in politics & media waver between blatant cruelty & blithering incompetence.

You're building better closer to home.

You're advocating where you can for the values that make the world a kinder place.

The current inanity will pass.

The hard times it foretells... might take longer.

But where people of conscience exist? So too does hope for change.

Keep as sane as you can on the road to something better. 🫂

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.