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Maybe Tucker should go get one of those jobs he's always worried about immigrants taking.

America right now is like a bank robber announcing "Look over there while I rob this bank" and everyone actually looking over there.

@Fellixe Yikes.. Hope they hammer better than they spell check.

I need to see a construction company use the slogan "We screw anything that's not nailed down."

With all love to my vindicated US friends, please don't let the Shit Show this week become cover for other political wrongs in process. Alec Karakatsanis is an advocate for carceral reform, and against judicial transgression. He has a thread today on the bird calling attention to a nominee for US Attorney who was credibly found to have committed felonies by denying constitutional rights to vulnerable people.

If this matters to you, I hope you'll make your voice heard.

I regularly think about the fact that Dan Quayle misspelled potato and it ended his political career.

I know the world is getting crazy and riled up again today. But I'm out here trying to convince a roomful of college kids that I'm cool and they should give me money to tell jokes.

@Coffee_and_Salt I was so wishing I was on the same show so I could yell "JOKE!" after every punch line.

Heard a spoken word artist tonight that ended every poem by yelling "POEM!"

And I probably laughed harder than I should have...

@robfwtx And I get excited when someone tips me an extra $20 after a gig... Thinking too small.

If my enemies wanted to take me out they could just keep having pizzas delivered to my house. I would keep burning the roof of my mouth until the hole reached my brain.

Did I just meditate or take a 20 minute nap sitting upright? That's for me to know and no one to find out.

@thedisasterautist Either just accidental movement or repeated attempts at kissing where they remember they have helmets on.

Mandalorians have children.

Mandalorians never take their helmets off.

Mandalorian sex: Clunk Clunk Clunk.

@NorCalCherylLyn He's been nuts for awhile. David Gilmore and his wife have both had some pretty choice words for him.

I had chocolate cake for breakfast and cheesecake for dinner. So today is a win.

On this day last year everyone was like "OMG! Today is 2222!"

This year... Not a peep.

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Phil Johnson

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.