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(Thanks to @raspberrypanda!)

🍞Experimental baker
🧵Maker of small crafts, big messes
😠Contemptuous not angry
♥️Humanist by nature
🤷🏻‍♀️Apatheistic through experience
📺Cartoons just act better
📖Need more books & fewer books
🎮Gamer, backgammon to Skyrim
🌿Believer of Death w Dignity
😏Younger than I seem but probably older than I think I am
🐶 I love my pets too much
✋My family I keep personal, the internet is a wild place
✨Mostly want to be a kind voice in a hard time


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and in his own pen, no less. "I am very poorly today and very stupid and hate everybody and everything." This is now the header on my profile as it's still cracking me up.

Sometimes I get all turned around and wander away and wander so far round that I end up back where I started.

So here I am again.

Good morning.

Hope you’re all functioning with relative ease.


is it weird to make a delivery order of just rangoon? Like a lot of rangoon?

Possibly all of the rangoon?

It’s been a long day y’all. Maybe go hug something or someone. You, it, they probably need one.

Banjo is tuned. I don't have to be happy about having visitors. They don't have to be happy about visiting.

@Coffee_and_Salt @agitated_trash

"Here we see a group of homo sapiens sapiens attempting to earn their second sapiens by navigating a common ritual: the hangout. Long removed from its original habitat, homo sapiens often has to recreate what once came naturally to its species."

[Cut to one person trying to find a way into the chat, and failing.]

"This homo sapiens is having a difficult time. If only there were a way to look more relaxed..."


[Cut to refreshments]

"A cheese platter."

For me this idea isn't just about the focus on money, it's about being out of balance and sacrificing aspects of being human for "stuff" in whatever form that takes.

- - -
Nuance moment: this applies to people who are not struggling financially. 💚

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