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OK for real, I gotta jump off now - you all be good to each other, ok? Ladies, again so sorry what happened tonight - my head my stomach my heart hurt now...

Good night my CoSo Wolf Pack!

PS I think the wolf should be the new Dem Mascot - new Dems New attitude New mascot!

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Ok seriously here:
I am a VET
I am a Dem
I am a catdad
I am a Lib
I am vaxxed
I am a Libra

thanks, this message was brought to you by my fingers!

I don't know 100% if this is legit or not but if it is that's $3 higher than it is here right now
(The location isn't disclosed it just says California) again this isn't mine here's the source

I hafta say I'm a little uncomfortable with some of the new thugs on the streets lately - from all races...

woo hoo! we didn't catch anything on fire!

boo! i wanted stuff to explode!

I'm not a fan of Tarja at all but I love me some Within Temptation
This is Within Temptation with Tarja Paradise (What About Us) live from Mera Luna 2016

Here we go again. This is infuriating because any of us would already be behind bars, but now prosecutors are only seeking a fine and the judge is hesitant to actually throw Trump behind bars

So. Thunder was pretty unhappy during the car ride.

He finally settled down during the last 2 hours and fell asleep in my lap.

Eventually, he ended up sleeping between my legs, halfway falling off the seat. So I basically had to hold him up with one hand while steering with the other.

The last couple days at work have been extremely stressful and difficult because production hasnt been giving us the right information or all the information needed to be able to do what they need done for them so we've had to perform magic to make shit happen and not so much as a thank you yet... 😡

More Wyoming bullshit... Wyoming Girl Scout, 13, Fined $400 For Selling Cookies
The cop that did this is a real prick according to what I read

This is incredible... Watch the turtle fight for its life and then the ending is so amazing


these days, everything is possibly faked😏

Morning Y'all ✌🏻
Hematologist appointment at 2...
YeeHaw 😏

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