It's bad that I saw the Google Doodle with the American flag this morning and my first flash thought was "Uh oh. Google's gone MAGA" before I remembered the date.

@Charles_Hawtrey Not til July. Might opt for other material there.


@RaceBannon I know a couple people who were being transferred out there. And they're happy to get this news. It's been up in the air for a long time. DeNutjob just pushed it over the edge

I'm about to tell a bunch of jokes dumping on the Catholic church in an Irish bar because I like to live on the edge.

@Charles_Hawtrey Nice how he laid out his real goal in that final sentence.

@Kavalec It's like the guy watched that old Jon Lovitz character on SNL and tried to build a career around it.

@ScottBeamer But their army of yahoos already has it in their head, so it doesn't matter. That's always their game.

Fun weekend performing at Alameda Comedy Club with these nutballs. Me, Maija DiGiorgio, Matt Lewis, Jamar Pitts. Photo bomb by Stool. Couldn't have done it without him.

You'd think Ticketmaster would have their act together by now and not break everytime a big tour goes on sale. But nope.

@Pluckypirate Thanks! Wish I had more time to start it up again. :)

Have a video call with my doctor this morning. Going to sit in my office in my underwear for 20 mins before just to get the real experience.

@robfwtx "Sorry, did you say Kevor..."

"No, it's Gevorkian. With a G."

"Oh ok. You're probably fine then."

@JeniRizio I find it lazy. But it was too early to think about key changes.

I had to use a capo twice today and I feel dirty now.

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Phil Johnson

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