"Plaque is a figment of the liberal media and the dental industry to scare you into buying useless appliances and pastes."
So, I was just going through some old books, and look what I found as a bookmark: an Italian 10k #Lira note 😊
I try to always pick up & keep some currency whenever I go to a country; I think this one is from the 1980s or 1990s.
Oh, and just to head off the "Oh, but they aren't *real* Christians" rhetoric...
As expected, more & more of these loony insurgents will be doing stuff like this.
TBH, it's the "less loony" ones that are more frightening.
@singlemaltgirl @sw00p @PaganMother @ehurtley
Didn't really have to wait for the follower count to drop either: at least two people already blocked me entirely 🤣
If your faith is so weak it is threatened by a few questions, avoid Jesuits & Talmudists like the plague: just a word to the wise.
Feel free to pass along to anyone offended, as it is not meant out of hostility, but rather, for their own mental protection.
*THANK* you.
And while I took courses in Logic both in Primary school as well as higher education, I wasn't going to resort to it; glad someone chimed in with the proper fallacy 👍
FTR, fairly positive a Doctorate in Divinity (aka Doctor Divinitatis) is strictly honorary in America, so those earned in at least a US seminary or anywhere in the Commonwealth gets a higher ranking.
I mean...any televangelist can mail away for one - and has - which means non-seminary-backed US ones are meaningless. Not trying to be a dick; just saying...
OK, one vote for it being "Conservative". I accept your vote: no judgement here.
Anyone else with a D.D. willing to chime in? I'd even accept Episcopalian ones...
(e.g., https://www.episcopalchurch.org/who-we-are/episcopal-seminaries/)
Same with the KKK: while (allegedly) not *all* #Republicans are #WhiteSupremacists, but all white supremacists are Conservatives/Republicans, kinda seems like that's also an accurate autocorrect.
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." -John Stuart Mill
#TruthInWriting even if it pisses people off
So...on a Venn diagram note...
As not all #Christians & #Conservatives are #transphobes & #bigots, but virtually *ALL* transphobes & bigots are Christians and/or Conservatives, should I change my autocorrect to reflect that?
e.g., when I type in "transphobe", should it autocorrect it to "Christian" (or "Conservative")...?
Just striving for accuracy 😔
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