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I'm starting to pick up a little bit. Trying to push myself some, and it's working. I've got a task I have to begin today which I should have begun yesterday (getting music ready for submission to a publisher), and I can't put it off any further. Everything's got to be wrapped up by Sunday at the absolute latest, and I'd really rather not be working on it through the weekend.

Thanks for the greetings, folks. I've got some more fluids inside me, and I've taken my emergency backup morphine (ran out of my primary Dilaudid last night, waiting for my wife to go get the refill this morning). I'm letting it kick in. It'll take a while.

Good morning, CoSo. I'm not feeling so good right now. Got a bad headache, and I'm just moving extremely slow. Sorry if I don't keep up with my greetings like I did yesterday.

@LnzyHou I'm sorry, and I don't mean to offend, but I'd rather see the results of a double-blind scientific study than the movement of SKUs. Who's to account for the placebo effect in those SKUs sold? Please don't take this personally, but I just want to see some scientific proof before I start taking it.

PROTIP: When choosing a lawyer to represent you, especially at the Supreme Court, try not to pick one who sounds like he's had his head reattached.

Republicans want to give teachers less money, more students, fewer books, fewer resources, more parents in the classroom, more standardized tests, more scrutiny, more pressure, and a gun.

I grew up with hibiscuses all my life, and only last week discovered there was a purple hibiscus, and today found this - a translucent one! (Also found there are other translucent flowers.)

OK so I'm no plant expert. While I like plants/flowers, if I buy one to bring home, the darned thing commits suicide rather than enter my doorway :(

*SPECIAL ALERT*: If you say "beer can" in an Australian accent, you are also saying "bacon" in a Jamaican accent.
*That concludes this special alert*

I will also accept world peace.

I don't see that being an option, but I'm willing to accept another certificate of appreciation if it means no one goes to war again.

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Capt. Greybeard Jackson

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.