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Things just keep getting worse, . I've been seen and understood by my knee doctor's assistant - fluid and gunk is building up again in the joint, and it will have to be removed. My surgeon will have a spot open on Thursday, so that's when it's going to happen. Gimme dat sneaky ass for fun..

Thrilling race!!! I was on the edge of my seat! (and F1 needed this) So happy for Lando -- well deserved win!!! But absolutely heartbroken for Logan Sargeant getting knocked out at his home race and running out of chances to show his worth.

I'm going to start up a CoSo Call in about a minute here. Please stand by from a call from my hospital room.


We motored back to my room, where they re-wrapped my leg (for a second time - it came unwrapped during an earlier walk as well, but it didn't bleed).

The doctors are planning to keep me here until Monday, possibly even Tuesday if they need to reopen my knee and operate on the hematoma. All I know is that they keep extending my time here while reducing the frequency of my Dilaudid doses. Come on, folks, that's not fair. Extend the IV pain meds, too!


My revision surgery on my left artificial knee didn't go exactly as planned Tuesday. It's now Saturday, May 4th, and I'm still in the damned hospital, thanks to what they think is a hematoma in the joint. They got the idea a couple of days ago when it open and started bleeding during a Physical Therapy walk. Not just a blood drop down my leg, mind you - it formed a puddle beneath my calf. Needless to say, the Physical Therapy walk came to a screeching halt.


I've just had my pre-hospital talk with my son, who's going to be submitting my chamber music works to a publisher for me after their window opens up at midnight EDT May 1st. (I'll still be in the hospital with no computer.) He's got all of the info I can give him, so here's hoping he can make it through things without a hitch. I've given him 6 works to submit, so hopefully this scattershot approach will mean one of the works will finally get accepted. Wish me luck, please!!!

Sorry I didn't acknowledge everyone's well wishes as soon as I should have re: my knee surgery tomorrow. I kinda went narcoleptic for a couple of hours there.

It happens, thanks to all of the meds I'm on. My apologies.

It's finally going to happen, CoSo! Tomorrow is the day for surgery to fix my artificial left knee and the joint in which it sits. They're going to remove scar tissue and then install "shims" to keep the joint from wobbling side-to-side. I go in at 5:30am and I'll be admitted overnight, so I'll be out of touch for a while. Please wish me luck, because I'm going to need as much as I can possibly get. Thanks.

Now cooking: Betty Crocker Creamy Potatoes & Bacon, with Chicken & Apple sausage on top. T minus 45 minutes and counting.

I have said it before and I'm saying it again

Speaking strictly for myself

If you only come to Coso to ask folks to watch your YouTube channel, watch your streaming whatever, never interact and are too cheap to actually go CoSo Pro

You probably aren't getting any activity from here

Time to get back to work, this time on an arrangement of a Beethoven piano sonata for a woodwind quartet. This has already gone through a lot of tweaking, but I've changed my style in the months since I last picked it up, so I'm probably going to have a lot more tweaking to do.

Oh, we go.

For any of you following me in my quest to get my music ready for publication, I've just finished slugging it out with one of my earlier works. "Woodwind Quintet No. 1" gave me a hell of a fist fight. I had to rebalance the MP3 demo file, redo the reverb settings, adjust the panning of the ensemble, and enable file numbering on three of the parts (I don't know how it got disabled in the first place). My eyes hurt now. Taking a short break before moving on.

Making good progress on getting the music ready for submitting to the publisher when the window of opportunity opens up on May 1st. My wife is going to have to do the submitting for me, since I'm going to be in the hospital, recovering from knee surgery the day before.

I've got one French Horn sextet, one conventional brass sextet, one woodwind quintet, and one mixed wind septet ready so far. I think I've only got a few more to go.

I'm going to take a break and have some grits for breakfast.

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