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Dan Rather @DanRather

Dr. Anthony Fauci is an American hero. Retweet if you agree.

@IronButterfly An FO is a Finished Object :)

Remember, you are the boss of the yarn and the hook.

I'm a knitter, and make hat/socks/scarves. My crocheting is mostly afghans and lace things (doilies! Really.)

Also remember that YT (mostly) is your friend.

Good luck!!

@AskTheDevil I used to to talk to my cousin, mostly, and some random fandom stuff.

Heck, I still use IRC.

I see a pic that says "Strong Storms!" and then the next post is the same thing in Spanish "Tormentas Fuertes!"

I'm silly, but the thought of being tormented by storms makes me LOL

last toot: I haven't used ICQ for years, but had a 6-digit number when it started in 1998.

Sad to see it go.

ICQ will stop working from June 26

"ICQ really was something special to me. I was absolutely glued to it for most of 1998 in particular, although I used it for years and years. I made some great friends on there"

Was watching YT vids last night and the algorithm changed again and blocked my ad blocker.

Apparently YT wants to show me QOP crap (after hours of "lib" stuff), and one of the ads that I did not have an option to skip/FFW was of TFG begging for $$.

It's a 30 second long ad.
The second time I was going to be forced to watch it, I refreshed the whole page to get rid of it.

YT, if I don't want to see the Cheetoddler, I should not have to. Your algorithm sucks like a black effing hole.

@BrightEyedDyer it's knit from the bottom up, and I use worsted weight cotton to make the Small size. I cast on an extra st which I p2tog when I join to avoid The Gap.

I started the first one as a Med on the same cotton (first hat) and it was gigantic! lol

@BrightEyedDyer My favorite go-to chemo/cotton hat is the Lace-Edged Women's Hat. I've made at least 10 of them. They are like potato chips!!

@Rocker or!!

the person who wondered why they don't have maternity test to find out who the mother is.... I'm *sure* this was the same one.

@Rocker This person is possibly the same one who, when they found out that their sibling was having a baby, couldn't wait to find out if they were going to be an aunt or an uncle.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force -- as if millions of voices cried out all at once, DRINKS ARE ON ME!!!

@th3j35t3r that's not saying much, and yet, SOOOO much.

What is zero time anything?

@XaoslordErie @th3j35t3r I don't think they'll come here (and stay long) We're too tree-hugging-libtardastic for them.

If you experience lol'ing for more than four hours, please consult a physician as you may be experiencing serious side effects.

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