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Literally 95% of my cooking adventures begin the same way:

1. Cut up an onion
2. Improvise

Last night's had one of the darkest things I've seen happen in the , where a bad guy straight up murdered a cat in front of an 11-year-old girl (just offscreen). That's some evil shit. Reverse Flash, Deathstroke, Alice, y'all need to up your game.

Low key people who start every sentence with "low key" deserve a low key hip check into the boards.

I don't partake of them myself, but I have successfully transitioned everyone in my office to referring to Chick-fil-A as "hate sandwiches" when they get them for lunch.

Thought about writing tonight, but I'm so damn tired after two days of water leak mitigation fans running in my house that I'll write the car chase tomorrow.

Ghost hunting TV shows are so idiotic, they make me want to kill myself and come back as a ghost just so I can tell these dumbshits they're morons.

Resistbot is facilitating this. Text "Remove Trump" to 50409 and get the message to your senators. Spread the word if you agree.

Black Rabbit: I've come to ask if you'd like to join my Owsla. We shall be glad to have you, and I know you'd like it. You've been feeling tired, haven't you? If you're ready, we might go along now.

*Hazel looks at all the younger rabbits of Watership Down*

Black Rabbit: You needn't worry about them. They'll be all right, and thousands like them. If you come along now, I'll show you what I mean...

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AuthorIan πŸ“š β˜• 🍜

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