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Getting ANOTHER resume review. I feel like I'm getting close to having a super baller resume. I don't have very much hope left, but I hope this time this works.

Why, after all the algorithms, all the scientists, the years of research into shoving ads into our eyeballs, all the ways to get you to buy a product, in the green living hell has there not been an algorithm for "this guy has never clicked on an ad, he's always clicked on skip, maybe we should just leave him alone" and then stop inundating that guy with ads?

Since I'm in between jobs at the moment and don't have superfluous cash, I canceled all my subscriptions and stopped all automatic payments. Except this one. I want to help keep this place going because it's so awesome.

I don't know what I did, but for some reason Google thinks today is my birthday. My birthday is in November.

Awww, don't worry CoSo, my adblocker is turned off for this website specifically, but thanks for the heads up.

Has a website ever asked for a contact e-mail, and when you entered it, it told you that e-mail wasn't available? WTH is that? I'm not signing up for an e-mail, I'm trying to use that e-mail, idiot.

If you're keeping up with the saga, I now have 4 resumes that are tailored to specific roles, with the descriptions and buzzwords and formatted for your eyeballs.

This is the first time I've had a resume done professionally so it's been a journey. And it's still ongoing. I haven't used a super tweaked ATS resume yet, but I'm going to send a bunch out later.

@amarand @JLong also had another resume review and I'm trying my best to make these edits. I can't think of any accomplishments and I don't know how to change the language to be more of an accomplisher than a doer.

I am a doer. I accomplish ninja shit by doing ninja shit.

Thanks to a conversation with @amarand and @JLong i have updated my updated resume and tailored it to 3 specific job types. I have sent out a grip of applications with it so fingers crossed I got it right this time.

I have 17 years experience of doing a thing. I have been trying for 17 years to get a job doing that thing. I have been told over and over I don't have the experience because it's not "professional".

17 years. How much more experience do I need? What else can I learn after almost 2 decades?

Someone who hires people, please help answer this, why won't anybody give me a chance and hire me so I CAN get this experience I need that somehow is better than doing it for 17 years on my own.

I have homemade bandages taped around my feet and I'm going to be off them as much as possible for the next month or so. They're still pretty tender.

So I made khao soi and holy cowsocks this recipe was spicy. The picture on the right is the soup in my wok and my bowl has the noodles.

So I got the wind knocked out of my sails but it could be for no reason, which I hope it is because I'm tired of that happening. I'm running out of sails.

Cross your fingers and pat that voodoo doll on the head a couple times, I need all the help and luck I can get.

So with the pumpkins on my arm, I just added two new ones to my feet and OW THAT HURT, lemme see....carry the one....divide by 3 and add 7 and that'll be my holy shit that's my birthday.

Oh yeah. 22 tattoos. These hurt pretty bad so I'm hoping I won't have to go back over them. Ever.

Ever ever.

I still call them headphones and I will do so until I'm dead. I had to explain to my niece and nephew what headphones were and I got laughed at, but joke's on them, I'm gonna start calling everything by its old name cuz I know 3 generations of shit.

"Hey kids, you got any sawbucks I can hold? Don't flub the dub and take out the garbage."

Yaaay I got a real interview with a real company!! I got passed the recruiter/HR skillset call and now they want to move forward.

I'm so pumped right now. Whoever has my voodoo doll, give it a couple pats on the head for me. And thanks for treating it nicely.

Started to remake my game in Unreal 5 and realized one of my maps was hella big and it didn't need to be, so it's being made smaller.

Got another positive response from the new resume. That brings the percentage up to 50% and that rules. I should send out more applications.

Having run out of leg room, I'm not tattooing my arms. I have pumpkins on my forearm now.

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