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Got another interview request, for a different place. So that means 33% of the applications I put in with this new resume have gotten a positive response, or a response at all.

Fuckin W00t.

No I don't wanna send that ad to my phone, what the hell is wrong with you?

So I've just about completely covered my legs with the following tattoos: the Blues Brothers, Autobots and Decepticons logos, Batman symbol, Superman symbol, Ghostbusters logo, the Guy Fawkes mask, the biohazard symbol, radioactive symbol, 8 bit Mario, 8 bit Bowser, and 8 bit Luigi.

Now I'm gonna do my arms. 🤣

While sitting on my couch and not moving, I have lost my earbuds, my scissors, and my Roku remote. Have no clue how I did it, but I've looked everywhere for them and they're not physically here anymore.

Sometimes I really hate ADHD.

Even if I don't get the job, it feels petty good to have someone say they were impressed with my self-taught skills.

First interview went really well I think, but I usually feel like that after an interview, I think it's just my brain being hopeful.

If I passed this one, then there will be a 2 or 3 round process to cover technical, personal, and cultural fits.

I'm hella nervous and excited.

And I have a killer brand new cover letter.

Haaaa so okay, I finally bit the bullet and had a professional resume reviewer go over my resume and they suggested a ton of edits, so instead, I had a new one built from scratch from a resume builder website. Submitted like 6 applications with it to see how long it would take to get a good response.

2 hours! And now I have an interview tomorrow for a job I've been trying to get for like 17 years.

Went from having bandages all over my legs to lotion. I know I did the tattoos correctly this time because they're all scabbing over.

The Blues Brothers are still pretty tender but that's because my shins are just skin on bone. My Pacman finger tattoos look a lot better the second time around, and the letters on my right hand are slightly better.

They're as good as they're going to be because I'm not going over my fingers again.

Redid my finger tattoos. There are two left to go over, but I need to wait until some others are healed because they're covered by bandages and tape.

The only thing I did today was I went over almost all of my tattoos and really packed in the colors. The only ones I didn't do were my finger tattoos, I'll do those later. I'm also covered in bandages again. 🤣

And here are the last two. That's gotta be somewhere in California, right? I'm pretty sure it was.

Here are some pictures I took of....California? Outside of LA? I can't remember now, but it was DEFINITELY just after takeoff and that was from Los Angeles.

Chugged the Monster and my flight was delayed, and I found out I had a soda bottle with a loose cap in my backpack and now everything is soaked, so I might kick somebody later I can feel it.

Hell yeah, I'm blowing out my eardrums listening to badass elevator music and synthesizer ballads and all my Pixel Buds can do is sit and watch in abstract terror.

Alright, landed in LA, got a sammich, and now I have to waste an hour and 15 minutes until my flight home. Gonna chug this Monster in the meantime.

One flight down, 2 more to go. 10 more hours and I'll be home. I miss all my stuff.

Yaaay for airlines using shit-assed equipment and getting every plane grounded for maintenance, which caused my trip to get rescheduled and I would've gotten home Monday. I canceled that and just got another ticket through a different airline and while I'm traveling for 15 fuckin hours I'll at least be home tomorrow.

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