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Okay, let's see if I have better luck on Dice.

Fun update: I learned I am not the kind of uncle who lets kids win at Mario Kart just because they're kids. My nephew rage quit after blaming his hands hurting.

But to be cool and fair I did install the Linux Subsystem for Windows and then installed some stuff so he could learn how to make his own custom Android ROM. Then beat him at Mario Kart.

Washington update: it's fucking cold up here. I'm not used to it, but I'd rather be cold than hot so I can't complain.

Status report: my earbuds lasted about 12 hours before I had to recharge them. The case was draining pretty fast so now that's also charging.

The case is supposed to charge the batteries, and it was doing that like gangbusters, but then it ran out of juice to charge the earbuds. I'm sitting at a charging table in Seattle and this coffee sucks.

Everybody who said Seattle coffee was the shit, line up to the right for bitch smacks.

I made it to the airport 2 hours early. I'm used to flying international, the domestic flight area is damn near empty. So I'm killing time until the check-in desk opens.

For Doom's 30th anniversary someone made the shareware version of Doom in the Quake engine, making it fully 3d for the first time, then John Romero made Sigil 2.

The content for Doom from here on out probably will just be small things like that, I don't see many main games coming out now that they finished the Doom Slayer story.

I redid the colors on my Pacman ghosts and I think it's funny that the ink is seeping through the Bandaids. Sorry, "adhesive strips". That's not something I would've guessed would happen.

Okay, depending on how you count it, I either have 12 new tattoos or 15. One is a word, but it's spread across 4 fingers and I don't know if I should count that as 1 or 4.

A friend said it should just be 1 since the letters wouldn't make sense on their own. But that shit hurt enough I'm hella tempted to count each one individually.

Yaaay I'm flying next weekend. I hope there aren't too many people out, I hate crowds.

Holy hell, I've given myself 11 tattoos just in the last couple of weeks. I have 2 more I planned and THEN I'll stop. Maybe. Probably. But also probably not. 14 all together but 3 were professionally done.

Sitting at my mom's house, watching old horror movies, nursing a leg covered with bandages while I wait for all the new ink I gave myself to heal up.

If this ain't the holiday spirit I don't know what is.

I started this as a reply to someone's post, but I didn't write down everything so here goes:

I finished the Pacman tattoos on my fingers, redid the coloring on my Ghostbusters logo, redid some coloring on the Superman logo and added some coloring to make it pop, colored in the Batman logo (it's just yellow, but mine is yellow and blood! Yaaay!), colored in the Decepticons and Autobots logos, outlined the biohazard symbol, aaaaaaaand in planning out tattoos for my other fingers.

I think I got food poisoning, I've been throwing up for the better part of 2 hours. I'll spare everything/everyone the details but it looks like I'm hanging out as close to my toilet as I can.

Tried to go back to bed but then wound up back in the bathroom. Twice. Ugh.

Other than my stomach I feel okay, no fever or aches anywhere. If it is for poisoning then I'm gonna have to blame cheesesteaks because that's all I had to eat.

So I colored in my new tattoo but my dumbass was wiping the ink instead of blotting it, which caused me to go over it twice. But now I know.

I came home yesterday and immediately gave myself another tattoo. I'm like a kid with stickers. I'm going to take it slow but I have another 7 planned.

Yes, I'm taking care to make sure I clean the spot getting the tattoo and the surrounding area is clean and I'm wearing gloves.

My poor legs 🤣😂🤣😂

Bliggity Pow! Yes it looks homemade, but I did it upside down and I've never done this before. I'll get better as I go on. I'm going to be covered in these by the end of the year.

This is on my leg, just above the knee. I'll clean the excess red and black up later, I'm going to let it settle first.

I gave myself a tattoo. It's the first one I've ever done and it turned out pretty decent. If I do say so myself.

Getting tattoos on the fingers hurt.

Burning them off hurts too, but not as bad.

Commercials don't need to be longer than 10 seconds. Show me the product, tell me what it does, then fuck off. These 3 minute commercials are so annoying.

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