
Cross your fingers and pat that voodoo doll on the head a couple times, I need all the help and luck I can get.

@dr_zooks I really should get glasses. I just petted the wrong voo-doo doll.

If a celebrity is killed by a bear in the next few days, my bad.

@AskTheDevil nah, it's just as well, I got hit with the "we'd like someone with more professional experience" bug. So I'm hoping it's at least a funny celebrity bear death.

@dr_zooks Let's be real. There's almost no celebrities that it wouldn't be at least a _little_ funny.

Uh oh... does being the Devil count as being a celebrity?

If I'm mauled by a bear while checking the back-yard for coyotes so my dog can go potty, I have only myself to blame.

I was one of the first victims of the petard, back in the day, too.

@AskTheDevil no, your status is above celebrity, so I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Plus where would you go? Home? Oh nooo.

@dr_zooks I live here. The idea that I fell is already silly, but even if I'd been sentenced to being here, that's like sending someone to their room, where all their toys are.

@AskTheDevil yeah, my mom learned VERY early that sending me to my room was not a punishment, even after taking all my stuff out.

@AskTheDevil the fall. It wasn't that dramatic. So you had to suffer, big deal, that's what we're all doing. 😜

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