
I have homemade bandages taped around my feet and I'm going to be off them as much as possible for the next month or so. They're still pretty tender.

@Pennyformythoughts thank you, but I did it to myself. I put tattoos on my feet because I ran out of arm and leg space. 😁

@dr_zooks that doesn't take away my.. "I hope you heal fast". Have you let some of the pressure off your feet via laying on your back with your feet up against a wall. I used to do that for sore feet. If ever my feet feel tired that is what I do. I would imagine it might help but I'm no doctor.😂

@Pennyformythoughts yes, I got them propped up on my couch. They stopped hurting, now they're just tender. I think, I don't know, I've been distracted with other stuff. But always obliged.

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