There is no genocide in Gaza. Gaza is (was) run by people who openly call for a genocide of Jews.

There is no apartheid in Israel. There is apartheid against Jews in all of the Palestinian controlled regions.

"Palestine" isn't occupied. Jews are forbidden to live there, by Palestinian law.

Harvard appears to be occupied by a terrorist support group.

@Shenango_Linda the oogie boogie witch😂 may have to grab that handle in october

@maybeimaleo I know that feeling all too well. But there has always been a turn in the trail. Trick is waiting for it 💙
Found coso and music to be my salvation. Feel free to reach out if needed. 🤗

The relief must be overwhelming. So happy for you all💛

Thank you for CoSo. For all the bells and whistles. But mostly, today, for CoSo calls.
To be able to connect across the atlantic is amazing.

@KAutumnrain 😂 They don't know what they don't know or they're just ignorant. Either way glad you are good.
That had to be one of the hardest steps so far.

CoSoCall Is a free to use benefit here at CoSo. Any pro member can start one. And anyone else, pro or not pro, even people outside of coso can join in...

Go to website, far right column, click on "Start a COSOCall Conference"

Works great.
Thx @corlin for the instructions

@evamarie I have to grab a few z's before breaking our fast. Hoping to excavate 12s bedroom...aka spring clean so kind of hoping for rain lol.
Enjoy your day💛

@evamarie it's the beginning of the future. Let's hope they can undo Brexit. Brexit seems to be a
Successful outsider campaign but that's just an outsiders view.
How are you? Spring bringing the blooms?

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🌸 dragonfly🌸

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