Lemon polenta cake cooked in multicooker :)

This recipe but with 100g of the ground almonds replaced with flour partly because it makes it easier to get out of the pan, partly because I only had 100g almonds :)


Tidying the store cupboard and am relieved to report we won't be running out of anytime soon :)

Good morning and

(Mug says "Hope is the fuel of progress and fear is the prison in which you put yourself" - Tony Benn)

Happy Thanksgiving holiday for those who celebrate :)

The US Thanksgiving holiday is just days away, but it kicks off a wider holiday season for many folks from all over.

That means, for a lot of people, a season of loneliness, disappointment, conflict, grief, and disconnect from the seeming relentless stream of goodwill and marketed joy.

So please, keep an eye out for the quiet ones, for the folks who you suspect or know might be hurting.

Offer a little extra, be kind.

It costs nothing but could mean the world or even save a life.

Stretching this rug to go on the coffee sack backing. I like using coffee sacks to back rugs but sometimes it can be tricky getting them to fit

📢 📢 📢

Attention CoSoNauts, a long time family member, @VelvetDuchess is in need of our help.♥️

Only $2,900 to go, let's do this. ♥️

This fundraiser was created to keep her and her kitties safe through the Hollidays.

If you can donate, that would be greatly appreciated, if you can't, that is OK too, and understandable.

If you can please BOOST this a few times today, it would be very helpful. ♥️


@TheNewsOwl @redsheri1 @stueytheround @Maude @homebird @mikeharmanos @VirginMaryCandle @JoyfullyDazed @JeffThompson61 @GrandmaJ @Susandoyle @awnaves @FrankCannon @duglop

@VelvetDuchess is in need of our help.♥️

This fundraiser was created to keep her and her kitties safe through the Hollidays.

If you can donate, that would be greatly appreciated.

If not, boosting it would still be helpful.

Also see my TL.♥️


@ACG2 @MelissaHDavis @sazemisery

We always used to have Dansk biscuits at Christmas... My mum had loads of the tins containing various things... Inc sewing bits!


If I wanted a hole in my skull I could self trepan...

@ACG2 @sazemisery you might both have inspired me to make a green tea sponge cake in the rice cooker later.... 💚

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