
Contrary to how it may appear, I'm really not enjoying the current Republican shitshow.

It's bad for the country.

It's bad for the world.

It's bad for us as the people who live here.

And it's bad for democracy.

And as bad as it is, eventually these assholes will sort themselves out and then it will get even WORSE.

@Stonekettle I absolutely agree. As comical as it is. I mourn for our precious nation.


Let's see 'em DO it then.

I hope they spend their entire term in Congress failing to elect a Speaker.

@Stonekettle. Let um burn. They deserve it. Thankfully they don't have the power to really F things up. I'm gonna really enjoy the next two years of them embarrassing themselves during their "investigative" committee hearings.

Right? I never underestimate the cost of thinking it can't get any worse.
It can always get worse.

@MichelleRNCHPN @Stonekettle
The only thing worse than the smug kiss ass McCarthy is Jordan, BoBo, Marge or Gaetz were Speaker. I hope every count his numbers keep going down, couldn't happen to a nicer pr!ck.


Ok I’m not following, how is it bad? I thought this was an indication of the ongoing fracturing of the R party, meaning they’re on their way to splitting their voting blocs and breaking their own backs, and going the way of the Whigs?

@Stonekettle I think the Dem’s should find a Republican to support. 212 Dems + 6 GOP. Check with Nancy, see what she says. She did say we need a functioning GOP! No?

@BFBucky1 @Stonekettle We need to find someone at least halfway decent, if such a Republican exists. McCarthy? Hell no. Jordan? Fuck me!!!

Is it too much to hope for that their are just a dozen sane Repugulans that will see the light and vote for Hakeem?

@Stonekettle HEY.. off the birdturd and good to find you here!

I no longer taunt the fates.
It could be much worse.

@Stonekettle okay I’ll bite why is it bad. What outcome is any different than the bad the previous week? What has changed? Jim gets the nomination? The right goes right-er? So what.

@Stonekettle If they’d used the constitution to bar the traitors from elected office. Those twenty and McCarthy would all be gone.

@Stonekettle I guess that is the best reason to laugh our asses off now while we can, kind of like whistling in the graveyard knowing that midnight is coming and the moon is full and the zombies will be coming out in full force along with the werewolves!

@Stonekettle Agreed yet the infighting is revealing some colors of people and their role.


Agree. However, now when they choose to shut down the government, which you know they will, they will be the ones to take the blame for tanking the economy, instead of trying to pin it on Biden.

They have shown they are in disarray and are incapable of governing.

@Stonekettle Agreed. They just wasted a week though. They are not united and will continue to buck and block one another. This will directly harm their effectiveness which is good for the country. I pray that many people who supported Republicans, Trump, MAGA, and Qanon wake up to the existential threat of giving the GOP power.

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