1,044 3/6


Frank boosted
Frank boosted

Antisemites fueled by foreign agitators including terrorist organizations are trying to appropriate our civil rights movement. Don't let them.

Frank boosted

@Spagesgallo1 He's a fantastic leader. That''s hard to come by these days.

Frank boosted

Say what you will about Biden, he's surrounded himself with some really smart people.

He's governing his face off.

Frank boosted

1,042 4/6

This is a tough word for my limited vocabulary. I have heard it but never used it either in speaking or writing.

Frank boosted
Frank boosted

Wow, Pecker's spilling!

Now he's admitted to lying to the FBI about Hope Hicks being in a 2015 Trump Tower meeting.

I think Hope cut a deal, too, tho.

Nice to see Loser45's cronies showing him the same love & loyalty he shows others. 😜

Frank boosted
Frank boosted

Now, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout...

What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?

Scottish Terrier pups for ya today...

Frank boosted


Ken-Dogger: Guys, what are you doing? You've got a nice bed over there
Chet: Dude, we gotta look out for each other
KD: Why's that...
C: Yesterday, there were 5 of us, today 3...Tomorrow, I don't know
KD: But people come here, take you home and give you a great home with love
C: But I lose my family...
KD: Dude, most of the time, we're just pawns...
C: So I'm lovin' and holdin' on to my peeps

1,041 5/6

⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 😦
🟨🟨🟩🟩🟩 😏

1,040 4/6

The answer was not the answer.

Frank boosted

Climate change is not only driving up ocean temperatures. It's also stripping the seas of .

🐟 are already moving to new waters💦 in search of oxygen & scientists warn that future poses a grave threat to 🐠


FOX has not mentioned Trump? They are pushing the campus protest. They should have been around in the 60s

Frank boosted

All of America needed to see Judge Merchan's, Donald Trump's and Todd Blanche's facial expression and hear his voice as Merchan said, “Mr. Blanche, you are losing all credibility".

Their body language is more revealing than their words.

Frank boosted
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