I’ve just been made aware that A song with this same title is out there - by Blippi. For those of you around young children, you know that is some stiff competition! I suggest you listen to both and draw your own conclusions! 🎶😎


Going to my songwriter circle tomorrow. My new song for this month’s gathering is about my brother. Will be interesting to hear the feedback. It’s always helpful!

50% positive response on playlist add requests today! That’s okay!

What? You say there is an eclipse going on today? I thought that was just Zach Edey getting in post position for the national championship game! Boiler up! 🏀

Is It Friday ✅
Is It Bandcamp Friday ✅

Hey music folk.

Many here have music up on Bandcamp.

Yep, it is Bandcamp Friday.
Buy all your music on Bandcamp today and 100% of money goes directly to the creators.


so glad April Fools Day is behind us. now I can relax 'cuz once again, everything on the internet is true. 😅

Tuesday afternoon….
Working on the cover artwork for a new single. Having a bit of a discussion with @realDDGlover
Okay. Got approval from the boss! Look for Fascination with Fire - will hit Bandcamp today. Other platforms in about a week. 😎

We just drove 2 hours (round trip) to purchase root beer. 😅
It is a brand we love and the closest retail availability is an hour away! Well it's a nice scenic drive and well worth the trip.
We decided we are gonna ask our local dive bar/restaurant/convenience store if they will start stocking it! Wish us luck.

Annnd, now I am going to learn/practice the music I will be playing for my niece’s wedding.

I had a large plate of shrimp for lunch. Is that an oxymoron? 😅

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