
Okay, here's the GOP plan:

Step 1: Investigate Hunter Biden (also perhaps Hillary Clinton just because)

Step 2: Give billionaires more money.

Step 3: Something something Litter Boxes, Critical Race Theory, and Drag Queens Oh No! Rage! Rage!

Step 4: Free Turkey for everyone! (some restrictions apply, limited time only, not available in all areas, some hidden fees, proof of citizenship required)
Later: Christmas Fruitcakes now $1200

@Stonekettle I fear you're right. They are exhausting.

@Stonekettle Maybe another "remember Benghazi" hearing while they try to pretend Jan 6th never happened.

@Stonekettle that’s it in a nutshell. They’ll do nothing to move the Nation ahead. Nothing at all!

@Stonekettle Good morning. I didn't expect to see you here until the twit has breathed its last gasp. Did that happen while I was sleeping?

@VirginMaryCandle I know that, but not always HERE here, if you see what I mean. @Stonekettle

@VirginMaryCandle And it was on his recommendation that I came here to start with three years ago , and I am SO glad. @Stonekettle

@Lindy @Stonekettle I would guess that the data he is wants to collect about ongoing influence operations, bots, etc exists primarily on the bird site as the TOS and membership here prevents some of those shenanigans, as well as monitoring for how the bird site changes now that they are running on fumes

@Lindy @Stonekettle chill well adjusted people don't provide a lot of blogfood to chow down on 😉 (I'm very proud of coining that phrase, please don't tell me it's taken...😅)

@Stonekettle but are those the *good* fruitcakes with booze or the cheapskate fake ones that haven't seen a drop of liquor?


Alas, I think you're right.

@Stonekettle It depresses me that you are likely 100% correct about this prediction.

@Stonekettle I anticipate the sale of the long awaited limited edition, Save America “Put GOP Back Into Christmas” collectible tree topper

@Stonekettle (tiny type) Not all Americans may apply due to skin color, belief, or the sex or gender of the people they love.

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