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COLLUSION: A Republican consultant and former senior aide to Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell was just convicted of funneling Russian money to Trump’s 2016 campaign. Watch for the full story:

Since the guy running Twitter is talking about the voice of the people being the voice of God and all, seems like it might a good time to remind America of this:

Trump: 62,984,828
Clinton: 65,858,514

"The entire political right energizes itself by "owning the libs." Our outrage is their oxygen. There are many ways for us to fight the important battles ahead, but there's no getting around the fact that they can't own the libs as readily if the libs simply refuse to be owned." -Duty to Warn

Just in case you were wondering, CounterSocial has always been and will always remain a Trump-free zone. :Asshat:

Trump might be on Twitter but he ain't on CoSo and that is what really matters.

If you would prefer to never hear about Donald Trump again, then we recommend hopping into your Preferences and adding FILTERS for the following incomplete list of case-sensitive terms:

Trump, trump, TRUMP, Donald, donald, DONALD, TFG, tfg, DFG, dfg, etc.

We are real people, and real people discuss current events. You can't change that, but you can control what you see with the tools provided.

Just wrapped up the 4-part series "Innocent" on Acorn. If you like British whodunnits, you'll enjoy this.

JOURNALISM 101 RULE: If someone says it’s raining, and another person says it’s dry, it’s not your job to quote them both. Your job is to look out of the fucking window and find out which is true. — Now more than ever.

Top 10 Investigations Trump demands of GOP Congress

10 - Hunter Biden
9 - Dr Fauci
8 - Benghazi
7 - John McCain
6 - Kenyan birth certificate
5 - Jack Smith
4 - Flushing toilets
3 - Raking forests
2 - Windmill cancer
1 - What Are Oranges?

Indicted a CIA Agent for mishandling classified materials.
Don’t listen to the talking heads on MSM.

There’s real fire here.

Just don't think it's necessary, and one more target for the right and tfg to pile on. Also, I have PTSD from Mueller...


Per WSJ: "Attorney General Merrick Garland will appoint a special counsel to determine whether former President Donald Trump should face charges stemming from Justice Department probes."

Why would GOP House leadership invite Kyle Rittenhouse to a meeting???

If CounterSocial has a leftist bent, it's because much of what passes for right-wing thinking in 2022 violates the rules around community abuse.

Whiplash much? This is immediately after he told 'em all they gotta show up to the office or they are all fired.

House GOP vows to discover why JFK was keeping all those pigs in that bay anyway.

😂 🤣 😂

“Imagine all the GOP House craziness you can. Now, magnify that insanity and loonbucket fuckwittery by a billion. Then transport it to the pinnacle of Burning Tire Mountain as an endless cascade of clown cars plunge into the radioactive waste dump at the peak.” -Rick Wilson

Get an Rx from your doc for Gabapentin. It worked great for me—it definitely helps with nerve pain, and it's not an opiate.

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Tonya Watkins

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.