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Shallow fused glass bowl created with pieces of colored and lots of clear glass heated in the kiln very slowly so that the glass flows.

Breaking: Twice-impeached, disgraced former President Donald Trump, who led a terrorist attack against the U.S. Capitol to try to overthrow our government, has announced he is running for president from the crime scene in which he stole and hid our nation's top secret documents.

Wonder what drama we may be in for now from Kari Lake? Her vicious relentlessness seems on par with trump. Incite some violence? Lawsuits? Screaming like a banshee? Lol.

Whew! AZ says no to Kari Lake! Just called by NBC.

“The age chorus saying President Biden should retire but is completely silent about 76-year old trump, 80-year old McConnell, and 89-year old Grassley all need to shut the fuckety-fuck up.” -BrooklynDad_Defiant

There is a moment between the time that you have finished authoring the post, and the time that you actually click on the POST! button.

Make that moment as long as it needs to be to confirm that what you're posting is a credit to both you, and this place. 💚

Did you know? When Bill Clinton banned assault weapons in 1994, mass shootings dropped by 43%. After George W. Bush and the GOP let the assault weapons ban expire in 2004, mass shootings increased by 245%. — These numbers tell a story.

pro tip: if you can afford to buy your own social media playpen, you can afford to stop whining about having to pay taxes

"Nancy Pelosi is 82. She just led House Democrats to an unexpectedly good midterms outcome. Media’s first question is when she’ll retire.

Mitch McConnell is 80. He just led Senate Republicans to a humiliating defeat. Not one question about when he’ll step aside."
-Kaivan Shroff

OK, I did the right thing for once and just signed up for PRO.

It was quick, painless, and it's about time!

I've freeloaded off of blog sites for years, posting my brain droppings for "free", the least I can do is chip in 5 Ameros a month to keep this one going.

Hosted services aren't cheap, and Jester can use all the $$ help he can get to keep it going.

So c'mon - if you haven't gone PRO yet now is a good time! And if you are already PRO then tell me - do I get the magic hat now??

I just donated to Warnock. If you've been annoyed at any time in the last 2 years by Manchin and Sinema blocking Democrat's agenda, you understand the importance of having 51 Senators. Also, a 50/50 Senate affects committee structures and progress of judicial appointments. Now is not the time to sleep.


Claire McCaskill: "Ironic isn’t it? Mitch McConnell stealing a Supreme Court seat cost him his last chance at being Leader McConnell."

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Tonya Watkins

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.