
"Nancy Pelosi is 82. She just led House Democrats to an unexpectedly good midterms outcome. Media’s first question is when she’ll retire.

Mitch McConnell is 80. He just led Senate Republicans to a humiliating defeat. Not one question about when he’ll step aside."
-Kaivan Shroff

@SeaglassPNW I think they're asking her this because of the attack on her husband - they want to know if she's going to look after him now.

@XaoslordErie @SeaglassPNW They've been after her to retire for years now. They do not like women and they do not like effective Democrats. And the combination nearly kills them.

@CheekyGinger I know it ... trying to give the benefit of the doubt, was all.

Completely true about media prejudice against Pelosi. As for McConnell, he won't retire — he needs to BE RETIRED …

@SeaglassPNW The misogyny (on top of the Republican boosting) is eternal with these fucks.

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