
Breaking: Twice-impeached, disgraced former President Donald Trump, who led a terrorist attack against the U.S. Capitol to try to overthrow our government, has announced he is running for president from the crime scene in which he stole and hid our nation's top secret documents.

@MeidasTouch yea screw that guy and I hope the GOP gloms onto his fetid carcass. Thanks for doing the dirty work and watching it

@MeidasTouch Sickening. And although I'm in a bluish state (NJ), I live in MAGAt country. They'll probably be dancing in the streets here this week. Here come the big, ugly flags again (most never took them down).

@MeidasTouch I can’t do this another two years. I mean I will but I’m absolutely crushed tonight. We shouldn’t be here. I don’t understand how this is even happening. America is already struggling and there are beacons of hope but this is crushing that hope and I loathe him for that.

@MeidasTouch Twitter suspending anyone on the 'left of the far right' for baseless offenses; & verified Richard Spencer.. The Onion shared this.. Please invite your ppl here.

@MeidasTouch my mental health can’t tolerate him again!


May they arrest him at one of his televised rallies. 🙏

This is how he should be introduced at all events. 🤣

@MeidasTouch this should not be happening. I am worried. If indictments are coming they need to hurry up.

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