@SolSoldier Thank you for being such a BIG part of my life, my dearest life partner. I hope this birthday is the best one to memory and we celebrate many more in the future together, as a family, as friends, and as partners.
Today is @SolSoldier birthday. So I have some words to say.
This man has been part of my life for close to 12 years now, as a partner, as my dearest friend, and my closest confidant in life, online and offline both. We met on World of Warcraft and were excellent teammates with nearly everything we set our minds to, gaming together, and just writing together. He's a brilliant creative soul, probably the most perverted sense of humor you'll ever chance across, and the most loving soul you'll meet.
@th3j35t3r @Judithm012993 Concerning...
@InvaderGzim @Minholkin 😃 this is so pretty!
@RavenCutrereULC one of these days I want to go to that restaurant I fucking love that actor
Free covid tests by mail program revived by Biden administration https://wapo.st/3N57nnH
@th3j35t3r if my Net wasn't absolutely shit I would definitely tune in
Over 100,000 Americans have joined a program to welcome refugees in their first three months, helping them find homes, enroll in schools, and pursue their dreams. No cats, dogs, or geese were harmed. https://welcomecorps.org
@LordsofHardwired Legit, I love mushrooms.
@kel Bavarian creamed long johns yes
Pagan/Music Lover/Artist
No Frith & No Grith with Fascists and Nazis.
Discord Admin of Cloud9 & Welcome Wagons