Good evening, CoSo. I hope all of you are doing well this evening. 🙂
A local TV news reporter, Lisa Weismann of ABC News 4 (WCIV), came out this morning and did a lovely report on my efforts to get Bugs, the Wonder Cat, to a vet to close that big hole in his belly. Thanks to her report, which aired on the 6 p.m. broadcast, the "Save Bugs" fund is now up to $1,481, about halfway to the goal. Bugs needs surgery, boarding & meds. Won't you help me help him? 😃
@hallmarc And when they say everybody they mean everybody. Love that woman! She's awesome!
@LowEndMuse It's the chemical changes in the body for some reason. Mind shift with the seasons I think it has to do with how drastically the chemicals for my brain change for my moods as well during those season changes.
@LowEndMuse They tried to do that to me too. But I've made it a habit to let them know I have heterochromia. I do have two colors of eyes and they do change with the seasons and they just look at me with this deadpan expression going you have to decide on one. I end up having to decide on Blue cuz apparently the green isn't that obvious.
@LowEndMuse whoa your heterochromia too? I have one blue one green. It's really hard to tell unless you really look.
@Superstitionsee fill page blown up definition s of con artists, scamming and throw as many self reports from their own party for illegal activities, abuse and much worse, to their head office with a small notice informing them that if they send more of their nonsense to my household, I'll just have to ask the post office to return send their mailings.
@Superstitionsee Oh it has a postage paid envelope inside and I am sorely tempted to just send some of the worst return content to the nrcc.
We're close to the end of the month, and we're shaking the cushions for change to meet J halfway.
Can you imagine what the election cycle would be without this place? Can you imagine all of the calamities we face without this oasis of safety and integrity?
If we like this social platform, we can keep it. US, together.
I know there are folks here who simply can't contribute financially, but there are folks here who can. If you can, please do.
@AverageCitizen I'll have to hunt those down cause yeah in sorely tempted to put some dollars into sending gummy dicks to the bastards. Let em choke on dicks. XD
@MrGoat @sentientdessert I seriously have got to get a hold of October rust. That was my favorite album.
@MrGoat I'd love to but travel's a bit a challenge right now.
@MrGoat I fucking love this song..growl haha
Trump Jr is working with nrcc and nrcc apparently are letting him. I wonder what kind of kissing relationship they have.
#Politics #TrumpJrIsWorkingANewScam
Pagan/Music Lover/Artist
No Frith & No Grith with Fascists and Nazis.
Discord Admin of Cloud9 & Welcome Wagons