
Ah rats. This has not been my year.

An hour ago I was robbed at gunpoint. I'm so amusingly used to life in Colombia that I'm not rattled by having a gun to my head, but I *am* kicking myself for thinking I was okay because there were two people a meter ahead, and two people a meter behind. The last time I got robbed at gunpoint, 3 years ago, I had also relaxed into having folks nearby.

*Never* let your guard down.
Phone blocked! Now just waiting for 8am to reclaim my number & reset key apps.


Damn ML!!! I’m thankful you are safe but loathe that this happened to you 😞

Thank you for thinking to warn us to stay vigilant despite the semblance of safety offered by the proximity of other people 🖤

@Minholkin Exactly that, Minholkin! Both times that I've been robbed, I relied too much on the presence of others. Silly, silly me. My spidey sense *was* tingling. I just didn't listen to it strongly enough because of my neighbours close by. Alack.


I’m just so glad you’re safe for now. I hope the emotional aftermath (when things settle) feels manageable and you have activities and/or people to help comfort and soothe. 💙

@MLClark thank you for using your experience to remind others of their own safety. I’m sorry you went through this, at all, let alone again.


I’m so glad you’re ok (assuming you’re emotionally as well as physically ok). I haven’t known you very long but you occupy an important place in my heart.

Hope this was the last time ever that you will be in such danger.

@ATXJane Oh, what a kind hope. Thank you for it. I think I'm more emotionally rattled than my current euphoria lets on, but that's okay - I'll deal with it tomorrow. Big hugs and much warmth to you, too.

@MLClark Wow! Glad you are ok. Any chance you can leave there? Just sounds dangerous.

@Nick_Searles Ah, it's just life in Colombia. This has been my home for five years and I know the systems of poverty that make "dando papaya" (presenting an easy target) my responsibility to avoid. I let my guard down because there were so many neighbours about. I genuinely should have known better, and usually do.

I'm good. It's just a material good that I lost tonight. But thanks for the concern!

@MLClark Look, you do not know me, but this worries me.
Why are you staying there if it is so dangerous? Again, do not know the area. Please, just play life safe.
Again, I am sorry. I see this stuff & I go into Dad Mode.

@Nick_Searles My life in Colombia has different issues than my life in Canada had. In Canada I was a pretty depressed cookie all the time. Colombia has many wonderful facets, including perspectives on life that come from a more acute awareness of poverty and its impact.

That poverty is what led to my robbery tonight - poverty, and my own inattentiveness. The last time I was robbed was three years ago. I'm usually much less of an easy target.

Thank you, though! I appreciate the concern.

@MLClark Poverty does this all over. Just keep your eyes open. And if you come here, head to my NJ. Safer than a red state, lol.


Yegads. I’m just glad you’re okay, all things considered…

Phones can definitely be replaced, ML’s definitely can’t.

@BenWalker You say that, Ben, but considering the state of "ML" (machine learning) technologies, maybe I *will* be replaceable one day! 😂

💙 In all seriousness, thank you for the concern. I've seen folks struggle when robbed - and get clocked. The moment I realized there was a gun to my head, the phone was no biggie. I'm counting my good fortune to have my health - and to not need to live my life like my robber does. He's got to live with himself full time. I only had to for a few seconds.

@MLClark damn! So glad you're okay but wow is that ever scary.

@thewebrecluse ❤️ Body intact. Monitoring the emotional come-down from the rush of survival instincts. Hope you're having a MUCH more relaxed start to your day. 🤗

@thewebrecluse ❤️ I'm going to send you my new number in a sec. I don't doubt we've both been swamped, but if ever there's a lovely lull, it would be nice to stay in touch. Take care of your brilliant self, beautiful human!

@MLClark unfortunately that's a latin america tradition

sorry it happened to you, but glad to know you are physically ok

please be safe, and i hope you let the authorities know

@elmaxx Hah! Last time I was robbed here, I filed a report, and the person taking it lectured me for having an unsafe hobby like running. Why didn't I just bike, he asked. I pointed out that if I biked, and if I was jumped while biking, I'd still be there filing a report and he'd be lecturing me for having an unsafe hobby like biking, and asking why I didn't just run instead. 😉 Been through all of this before. Cheers, Maxx! Life goes on.

@elmaxx (The other Latin American tradition: knowing that police ain't gonna help with any of this. Colombia has one of the highest rates of cell phone theft in the world. But! The phone *is* registered, so after I reported it stolen last night, it's been flagged in the system. So there's that.)

@MLClark wow, that’s crazy! So glad you’re okay. You’re such a practical and brave badass… focusing on the lesson even though it obviously had to be traumatic… your attitude is inspiring. Take care of you.🙏🏽

@TiarePalau Thank you, Tiara! Some skills come from living through traumas I'd never wish on anyone. May you never find yourself in similar straits. Have a lovely Thursday! Big hugs for your kind words.

@MLClark Thank you ML. Fully agree re valuable skills coming from trauma. I hope you NEVER have to experience anything like that again. Big hugs right back atcha. 🤗✨🌺

I am so glad you're OK. If it's any tiny consolation, my friend was robbed at gunpoint in the states about a month ago. So fucking terrifying. 💜

@janallmac Exactly that, Jan! I was sharing a Canadian anecdote here last night, too, as a friendly reminder that crime happens everywhere. The important thing is to remember that items aren't worth more than our lives.

@Sheree Me too! :) Wouldn't want it otherwise. ❤️ Happy Thursday!

@MLClark 💜Glad you are away from the danger. Thank you for the “constant Vigilance” reminder when our and about. Hope your spider sense keeps a loud notice when danger approaches.

What a Thursday Morning! Sending extra good wishes. 🌻🌻🌻☕️☕️☕️🍵🍵🍵

@ACG2 Right back atcha ACG2! 😊 May your need for such a spidey sense be rare! And may you have a *terrific* Thursday all around. 💫 🤗

I'm glad you are ok.

You brush this off like it is just a normal nuisance, as opposed to your end.

Have you considered finding or forming a pack to run with?

There is a group of runners near me, that meet up once a week for a pre-dawn run. It is a very safe area, and I think they get together more for the company and motivation, but also safety (they have awesome lights).

Yes you would lose some autonomy, and can only go as fast as the slowest, but exercise is exercise.

@ceorl Running is quite safe where I live! When I lived in a different part of the city, I ran up a small mountain - and that's where I got robbed five years ago. Here, I have a very safe running track in a park by my house, which has guards posted at all hours and is pretty well lit to boot. I was jumped last night while walking home from the store, a block from my apartment complex, with one couple a meter in front of me, & one a meter behind me. Some things one just can't plan for entirely!

Oh I see. The track sounds like a great place. I guess it is easy to overlook those interstitial bits of our lives, and then we are vulnerable.

My area has risks too of course, coyotes, rutting deer, hunters (try not to look like a deer), even a wolverine one night, and worst of all, morning commuters on the roads :)

@ceorl I think the statistic still holds true that most car accidents happen in the vicinity of one's home? Overconfidence on "our" turf leads to many a costly error. I hope the rutting deer aren't *too* problematic - and I'll be sure to keep that note about not looking like a deer in mind! 😂

I got that excellent idea from a shark attack survivor, Paul DeGelder, who advises "Try not to look like food" :)

@ceorl That is a most glorious photo and well-earned underlying sentiment. Thanks for the smile and the rueful chuckle, Ceorl! It made my night.

He inspired me in an interview some years back, and turned me vegetarian overnight when he spoke in passing of how good his veggie casseroles are.

If plant-fed looks like that, count me in ;)

@MLClark good grief, that's not something that fades quickly. i'm glad you're ok. whew🫣

@holon42 Whew indeed! Thanks, Holon. We are nothing if not strange amalgams of everything that's befallen us to date, eh? :)

@MLClark yes, experience collectors, we🙄🫣✌🏽

@MLClark Just saw this. How awful. I'm so, so sorry this happened to you. Experience has taught me that it's really important to process this kind of trauma by talking to someone about it: far better to let it out than keep it in. 🧡

@LiseL Excellent words of wisdom, Lise. Thank you for sharing them, and for your presence. ❤️

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