It's currently 73°F/23°C. Time to put away the extra blankets and sweaters?

Now that I'm up and the cat has moved to the foot of the bed! Today I'm listening to:

It's super hard to get up and out of bed when it's 32F and the cat is purring under the blankets.

I have noticed that the higher one is on the corporate totem pole, the more likely it is that one will Reply-All with weird, low quality GIFs, usually with glitter or cute animals.

This is my fourth day off in a row and I should be relaxed but all I can think about is the work piling up and needing to be done.

Spicy Shrimp Chips

Today's amusing but grim software transcription error:

"...will continue to fester until the signed settlement document is returned."

pester her, not fester.

Although I think fester works.

Today's software transcription error:

"Right shoulder mutilation under anesthesia..."

It's manipulation. MANIPULATION. Not mutilation. Gosh.

Our manager wants us, the twintroverts, having been fully remote for the last 3? years? to drive 140 miles round trip for a crowded, noisy, office holiday party in a bowling alley, despite both of us having positive COVID tests.


Although Villainous Lill kind of wants to go to infect everyone else and hijack the jukebox at the bowling alley to play nothing but K-Pop.

Today's software transcription error: "requested" became "request dead" and that seems rather sinister.

Super sleepy today, probably owing to the faint second line on the Nose Stick of Doom test.

I'm streaming at to make and support Gaming4Guts' 9th annual charity event! I'll be talking as a caregiver for your edification and dying in for your entertainment.
Please Donate/Share if you're so inclined?

Crohn's & Colitis Awareness Week starts tomorrow! I will be streaming at after 3:30 PM Friday to support my twin with Ulcerative Colitis, my friends in Gaming4Guts and
the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation
with my Tiltify campaign:

I'll also be losing my mind over Ateez's new release and Crazy Form music video BECAUSE I'M SO EXCITED I LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN ADULT.

Prediction: the normally diurnal legal secretary of tomorrow morning will curse at the insomniac/nocturnal Lillith form of tonight.

Fuck you, 6 AM Lill, I'm awake now.

If the winter weather doesn't interfere, let there be LOLs.

Starting 12/01, I'm supporting Gaming4Guts' 9th Annual Gaming Marathon for Crohn's & Colitis Awareness Week/IBD Awareness because my twin has IBD and there's no cure.

I invite you to keep me company on Twitch, or if you're a LoL player, I invite you to repeatedly mop the floor with my newbie champion for a good cause.

Twitch: Donations:

@00pi This is exactly what I needed to see today. Thank you! <3

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