If the winter weather doesn't interfere, let there be LOLs.

Starting 12/01, I'm supporting Gaming4Guts' 9th Annual Gaming Marathon for Crohn's & Colitis Awareness Week/IBD Awareness because my twin has IBD and there's no cure.

I invite you to keep me company on Twitch, or if you're a LoL player, I invite you to repeatedly mop the floor with my newbie champion for a good cause.

Twitch: twitch.tv/sullivantwins Donations: tiltify.com/@lilithiel/gaming4

Good morning CoSo!

Gaming4Guts ( gaming4guts.com ) is looking for gamers to stream with us for the 9th annual charity livestream event supporting Crohn's & Colitis Foundation.

The gaming livestream event runs December 1-3 this year. If you'd like to join our streaming roster, the link is tiltify.com/+gaming4guts-team/ .

It's already Winter Weather Advisory season here but Meade is an excellent bedwarmer.

Today's prompt is "Massive." I wasn't really feeling that prompt, so I chose Yunho from Ateez for practice. This was a fabric exercise. ...Anyway, have you seen how tall that dude is? Yunho is pretty massive.

Today's practice is Beast.

This one is from a set of X-men (Jim Lee's) playing cards from the 90s, and it was very satisfying even if I didn't get the face / hands right.

I learned a lot about line widths with this! I probably should have been using comic book style all month.

The theme for today's practice is DANGEROUS.
This one was dangerously taxing on my hands and it's not really "ink" it's just... gray.

OH NO IT'S MONDAY and I'm just barely started with this coffee.
The practice prompt for today is Celestial. This isn't really celestial, but elemental at least.

I didn't fall off the wagon complete yet despite work taking its toll on my hands, so here's my 10/20 practice prompt: Frost. Emma Frost. That's the White Queen to you, mah bitches.

Something something NOT PREPARED for Monday. I haven't had enough coffee or tea yet for this Monday to make any sense, but today's practice is Demon.

Today's prompt for practice was Castle. It looked better with just pencil tbh.

Today's practice theme is Wander. ~I can't find my direction so I'm wandering, wanderer.~

LET'S BOUNCE! The practice for the day is BOUNCE, so this scribble is from the opening of Bouncy (K-Hot Chilli Peppers) video by ATEEZ because it's what sent me down the Kpop rabbit hole. 🐇

Toad practice for absolutely ripping off Jim Lee.

It's hard to put so much black down but I feel it works when it's comic book style.

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