It's already Winter Weather Advisory season here but Meade is an excellent bedwarmer.

It's apparently International Cat Day and Meade is being a warm, furry, purry, drooling wrist rest while I slog through work today.

Meade discovered she still fits in my hoodie, sort of, and has purred herself to sleep, and I may never move again.

It's hairball season and Meade shed enough floof in the space of 15 minutes of grooming to build a new cat.

Arthas, Lee-know and Ezio preparing for the return of inclement weather with a three-cat cuddlepuddle.

There is nothing like putting your head against a pillow that a cat is purring near. Purring pillows are wonderful.

Workstation includes one (1) cat.
Meade decided to come purr and drool on me while I stress over work.

Do you have any contributions to the Red Fleece Blanket + Cat Appreciation Society?

Meade is enforcing some after work relaxation by parking her purring self on my arm.

Cats are the best.

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