I'm streaming at twitch.tv/sullivantwins to make and support Gaming4Guts' 9th annual charity event! I'll be talking as a caregiver for your edification and dying in for your entertainment.
Please Donate/Share if you're so inclined? tiltify.com/@lilithiel/gaming4

If the winter weather doesn't interfere, let there be LOLs.

Starting 12/01, I'm supporting Gaming4Guts' 9th Annual Gaming Marathon for Crohn's & Colitis Awareness Week/IBD Awareness because my twin has IBD and there's no cure.

I invite you to keep me company on Twitch, or if you're a LoL player, I invite you to repeatedly mop the floor with my newbie champion for a good cause.

Twitch: twitch.tv/sullivantwins Donations: tiltify.com/@lilithiel/gaming4

Good morning CoSo!

Gaming4Guts ( gaming4guts.com ) is looking for gamers to stream with us for the 9th annual charity livestream event supporting Crohn's & Colitis Foundation.

The gaming livestream event runs December 1-3 this year. If you'd like to join our streaming roster, the link is tiltify.com/+gaming4guts-team/ .

I am intrigued by the latest WoW expansion cinematic (it's gorgeous!) but as a priest player... not enough to rush out and prepurchase it. Not yet.


Baldurs Gate 3 10/10 for floofy summoned cat.

Although I'm not sure the arcane trickster cleric's summoned duplicate was supposed to be nekkid with his genitals waving around, but that might be a feature instead of a bug.

Okay, the EULA for Baldur's Gate 3 is the only EULA I've read through to the end in a very long time and the best EULA I've ever read.

ZOMG how is Diablo IV early access already tomorrow?

Starting May 19 after work until I fall asleep, I'll be livestreaming all sort of games at twitch.tv/sullivantwins for to support Gaming4Guts and Crohns & Colitis Canada 🍁

There will be no Timbits (as I'm in California 😿) but there will be videogames & maple... stuff.

With a theme of "create a gut-friendly world" for World IBD Day streams on 05/19, maybe I should stream The Sims? Twin still can't game due to post concussion, but I can create her as a Sim.

What other world-building videogames should I check out?

Today's workday playlist is my comfort music from sunny Eversong Woods in World of Warcraft, because with horrible weather incoming I need my fantasy of warm sunny skies.


Our furnace is borked and there's snow up to my shoulders outside and my room isn't heated so well by the wood stove in the living room.

I am determined to heat my room with my PC by running the most graphics intensive game possible.


Today's workday soundtrack is... 10 hours of Tristram, because I feel like the forces of Hell are growing stronger.

THE DARK TIMES WILL PASS! Come hang out with twin and me in chat or in game (WyrmrestAccord, yo) starting February 1 as we find new ways to die unexpectedly in World of Warcraft (like the stupid deer thing that killed both of us last night).


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