Dicebreaker's article on the revised Dungeon Master's Guide had me thinking about what I wish the DMG had when I first started.


Mostly what to do...
...with the lone wolf PC with no reason to help anyone

...when the other players are uncomfortable with the player who interrupts/wants to call rules interpretation

...when someone's monopolizing the whole game

...when someone's unhappy about their PC being KO'd/killed due to their own stupidity

Hoping the storm doesn’t knock out our power BEFORE I DIE in tonight’s game

I always have the best ideas for campaigns when I am falling asleep.

And then I wake up and remember I don't have the bandwidth to run games anymore.


I may be naïve, but I believe they aren't going to kill their golden goose.

That said, I am keeping an eye out for other simple creator-friendly systems.


Does anyone else get nervous before a game?

My Aberrant Mind sorcerer leveled up, and apparently now I have access to Summon Aberration, and I can choose a Slaad, best described as large, bipedal frogs with claws and huge head and wide mouths filled with pointed teeth

It's a murloc.

This gratuitous (Elfie?) is brought to you by our IBD awareness campaign at tiltify.com/@sullivantwins/mrgl — we’re hoping to raise $500 over the next month for Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation.

Tonight we’re streaming our view of the GAMING4GUTS Spelljammer game at twitch.tv/sullivantwins !


It's Spelljammer/D&D night and our Dhampir characters are facing a moral challenge, as their, uh, alternate vitality was revealed to our Cleric of Selune and two ghastly looking Vampirates drifting by in space.

Are we going to die at the hands or our Cleric or at the fangs of our half-kin vampires?

Good morning CoSo!

In last night's game, our dhampir PCs revealed their nature in trying to prevent our PC cleric (and a NPC) from attacking a pair of vampirates that bumped into our ship.

This created some tension at our virtual table.

The PC cleric is a priestess of Selune and is violently opposed to the undead.

How would you resolve the tension/conflict if you were playing a dhampir/half-vampire?

(...aside from trying to mind control any opponents...)

Tonight in Spelljammer, we started off with the Fantasy Grounds Lobby going down 😿And then we communicated with Space Whales via interpretive dance.
And telepathy.

EDIT: I LOVE DELETE AND REDRAFT for when I make typos.

I love reading posts in the firehose on the things people are excited about, without an ounce of sarcasm or snark. Like:

Poetry! I'm happy to see here.
I love reading here.
And I am over the moon about finding other folk.
And ! People sharing X-men stuff makes me happy!
Also the education topics.
ALSO! and make me happy.

I'm running out of space. I <3 you guys.


night and I failed a WIS save despite my sorcerer’s fancy Psychic Defenses, and may be spending the next 24 hours sitting on the deck of a ship. Thanks, Mass Suggestion…

I am delighted to see so much in the firehose today. <3


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