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/5 local farmers market offered to let us borrow all of the decorations as long as we return them in good condition so it’s gonna be a beautiful pumpkin /fall decorated space w/straw/hay bales for seating (no local chair rental & to have them brought up from Norfolk/VB is EXPENSIVE.

Next week @ PT we start walking in my wedding shoes. Looootta stuff happening! 5 months to go & I feel like it’s all coming together but time is running out!
How are yall? Chester says HAPPY CATURDAY!

edit: forgot photo

I always *finish* a savoury cobbler with grated cheese. However, while I was grating the cheese, I thought to myself, "I wonder if it would make a difference if I put some cheese *in* the scome mix!"

So next time, that's what I'm going to try. I'll need to work on the fat:flour ratio (or just look up a recipe, but where 's the fun in that?) to still get the right texture.

Celebrating pretzel day with a pretzel donut the size of my face. As one should.

Lastmof left over fried chicken as a sandwich. Kimchi mayo on the bread, kimchi on top of the chicken too, sharp provolone.

I wake in the morning and I step outside.
I take a deep breath and I get real high.
And I scream from the top of my lungs.....


Both dogs got new toys today. Stumpy is now snuggling with his while Ellie perches proudly over the recently slaughtered carcass of hers.

Bubba... This site cami up on my Reddit feed today...

Thought of you the second I saw it...
So many flavors of Lay's chips??


Oh boy, happy dance time!!!!

Today... is.... NATIONAL PRETZEL DAY!!!!!!


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Kurt Apocalyptic Twerker🐲

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