clearing out photos from old laptop and found this one. Neko on the left and Dega with the blep on the right. Miss these goofs :(

Going through boxes and cleaning house. Found this of my cat when I was a kid. This is Midas at 3 weeks old. He had the cutest little white mustache and would sleep with me every night.

We got new spinach seeds in. My old ones wouldn't sprout. 🤷‍♀️ But farmer kitteh knows to help.

Good morning CoSo. Princess Neko says it's Thursday and go cuddle your kittehs master now!

She won't let me insprct the crops alone. As soon as she hears the door. Snuggles right into my lap. 😍

I had to go out, but came back and she wanted right up on the shoulders again.

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Kurt Emperor Potato🐲

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