Good morning CoSo. Princess Neko says it's Thursday and go cuddle your kittehs master now!
@Mandypar good morning and how are you?
@Kurtroedeger Getting there - actually managed a little exercise today. How are you today?
@Mandypar getting there. Need more coffee and for the VPN connection to the office server to come back up. 🙄
But it started to drizzle so kiddo didn't want to feed the sheep and I did and they ate out of my hand so I got sheep nibbled today.
@Kurtroedeger Hope it comes up for you. Always nice to connect with animals i the morning. 🐑
@Kurtroedeger Yeah, not doing it to Empress...
Rascal is claiming his cuddles right now..
@Fiikus_goddess as long as you are listening to the demands of your kitteh master, that's all that matters
@Kurtroedeger Morning 🙂