
I'm in pretzel Central of Southeast PA. Pretzel donuts are common here. The one farmers market just makes giant ones. Giant delicious ones.

Celebrating pretzel day with a pretzel donut the size of my face. As one should.

Lastmof left over fried chicken as a sandwich. Kimchi mayo on the bread, kimchi on top of the chicken too, sharp provolone.

I wake in the morning and I step outside.
I take a deep breath and I get real high.
And I scream from the top of my lungs.....


Both dogs got new toys today. Stumpy is now snuggling with his while Ellie perches proudly over the recently slaughtered carcass of hers.

@stueytheround @InvaderGzim

Not all items are available to my zip code :(

had to adjust an order . The Deep Ridged were taken off :( :(

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Kurt ShenaniganKnight ๐Ÿฒ

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