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This is her spot today. I am not productive. 🤷‍♀️
We've noticed her slowing more and a little weaker. 😞 Really showing her age in last couple weeks. So she gets all the cuddles she wants. ❤️

I ran out of coffee 45 minutes ago, but she's so comfy I haven't moved her to get more.

Seeing a little spunk tonight. She chased a bug and then had fun with the dogs bone. 😍

This is their first official cuddle.the cat didn't know it was happening since she's the lump under the blanket.

Nekos appetite is down for the last few days. 😞 Enough so we are a little worried since shes 14 now. She's drinking plenty and otherwise seems ok. Hoping she just has a hairball she needs to work out.

It's part of the evening routine, wife walks in living room and cat runs over for belly rubs. She's got the wife trained to sit there and rub the chonky belly.

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Kurt Emperor Potato🐲

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