
Nekos appetite is down for the last few days. 😞 Enough so we are a little worried since shes 14 now. She's drinking plenty and otherwise seems ok. Hoping she just has a hairball she needs to work out.

The princess will be doing curbside pickup at the vet later today to get checked out. She does not handle vet or car trips well, little sad I can't go in with her. 😞 But she will get ALL THE CUDDLES later.

@flygande_ren we can tell she's lost a little weight. Maybe a little more sleepy, but nothing else is off. She was just hunky dory a week ago.

Increased drinking, not wanting to eat and a sleepier than usual can be a number of things. I'd give the vet a call.
It's not a hairball. Doesn't mean it's something awful and untreatable though. Older cats go through bumps just like us.
9 lives - they are amazing creatures.


Anata no neko wa genki desu ka?

(how's Neko?)

@northernbassist 猫はリラックスしています。 彼女はちょうど彼女の最初の薬を手に入れました。

Neko wa rirakkusu shite imasu. Kanojo wa chōdo kanojo no saisho no kusuri o te ni iremashita.

Thank you for asking. She's tired from her adventure.

Saikō o negatte, kanojo wa yoi ohimesamadesu


Kanojo wa yoi kamoku o motte imasu.

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